Search Results

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    Iams or Science Diet

    my boys are on science diet hairball lite dry and nutro canned - kingston won't eat any other dry that i have tried besides SC lite and SC hairball lite. and honestly, they didn't want to eat anything other than fancy feast (world's worst food, i know) for canned but i finally got them to...
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    Shoes anyone?

    if i were looking for shoes and those were something close to what i was looking for, i would probably bid on them. i usually go out of my way to ignore the big & bold lettering and all that crap - it's not like the item is better, they are just willing to pay more to attract your attention
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    More questions, anyone game?

    1. What is your middle name? Ann 2. what was the weather like when you woke up this morning? humid and sunny 3. What are your furbabies doing as you read this? avoiding me cuz i just took them to the vet tonight 4. What does your bedroom window look out on? our deck and right into the...
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    2.7 creatinine "possible renal failure"

    so me, kingston, v8 and my hubby just left the vets office. v8 was being examined because of his behavior changes over the last few months (not being able to jump up to our bed anymore... crying at night if the lights are off.. being a little grumpier than usual, etc). anywhoo.. i guess i was...
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    Inside vs. outside kitties, which are yours?

    My guys are indoor only except when they go onto the deck supervised.. but that's barely outdoors. The area that i live in is FAR too busy and near too many major highways and roads to be safe for them (not to mention all of the young kids that mean well but are too rough with neighbors cats)
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    Sierra's internal medicine specialist appt.

    v8, kingston and I will be thinking of you two and wishing the best for your sierra!
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    Would you eat this?

    bleh! and lol @ the atkins comment, CharmsDad lol
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    What kind of sweetner do you use?

    i'm an absolute splenda freak.. back before they sold actual loose splenda, i would buy the boxes of individual packets and break way more than i care to remember just to make 2 quarts of punch LOL i hate white sugar all together - if i am using REAL sugar, i don't use that processed stuff, i...
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    10 random questions

    1. What cd(s) are in your cd player right now? no cd's but my newest ipod playlist houses: Modest Mouse, Dashboard Confessional, and Mars Volta 2. Do you generally read the intros, jackets and acknowledgments in books? nope 3. What was the most recent dream that you remember? had a dream...
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    drinking from the bathroom tap

    I just bought a fountain yesterday and boy is it freaking out my cats! Any suggestions on introducing this to them? The older cat loves drinking from the sink so I thought this would be good for him. We set it up and put it out and they both kinda lurked around it with their hair standing...
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    Another 10 (or more)random questions. The first one was fun!

    1. If you could build your house anywhere than where it is right now, where would that be? Somewhere in the middle of the woods and nature far from most people but still close enough to get starbucks or groceries within 30 minutes - oh yeah and it has to be able to have highspeed internet too...
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    Chronic URI -- sneezing and goopy eyes

    this sounds just like my little Kingston when I first adopted him. He spent the entire first year and a half of his life with these runny black crusty eyes, runny nose, and sneezing. Every time we would try antibiotics, the sneezing would go but the eye and nose problems persisted. the...
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    What Month You Were Born?

    well i am definitely not brave and fearless and don't have very good leadership qualities but all the rest sound right on the dollar.
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    What is your favorite?

    i adore orange tabby kitties.. any orange kitty could get me to drop everything i was doing to pay attention to him/her. kinda funny though - i have never owned an orange kitty
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    VICTORY is MINE!!!

    Congrats !!!
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    Hairball Remedy?

    You can get laxatone at petsmart now too (I guess it's not RX only now?) -so if your vet's closed you can still get to it. I've also tried the treats for hairballs (they are crunchy w/ a laxative type substance inside of them).. but they are not nearly as effective as laxatone.
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    v8 unable to jump up

    hey everyone thanks for the replies. v8 has an appointment coming up next week so I will address the issue with the vet and do whatever we need to get to the bottom of it. I've been looking up things online and I just want to hit myself for even thinking this was acceptable behavior "for his...
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    drinking from the bathroom tap

    what a smart kitty! lol
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    drinking from the bathroom tap

    I was interested in that drinkwell fountain for my cat for some of teh same reaons but isn't it plastic? I was under the impression you shouldn't feed and water a cat out of a plastic bowl - do they make them in any other material?
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    v8 unable to jump up

    hello again all Well, recently I have noticed that my v8 is starting to have problems with jumping up onto furniture. He has actually started missing quite a bit and is becoming kinda of unsure of if he can make jumps anymore at all The hardest for him is our bed which is very high off of...