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  1. tisha goyer

    Please share this donation link - In memomy of Tisha

    This is the story of Tisha, a beautiful Himalayan cat who were having a great life until the worse happened. His owner is now stuck with hospital bills, I'm trying to raise donations to help him cope with his grief without the financial burden.  Tisha and my cat were best buddy and took long...
  2. tisha goyer

    Is this normal?

    This is great, I'm really happy for you and your new adoptee :)
  3. tisha goyer

    Is this normal?

    Were you able to feed your kitten? My vet showed me a way to feed my cat when he was too young (long time ago..). Fill a syringe with KMR, insert the syringe through the side of their jaw so that will force them to swallow, give it a slight push if he/she doesn't suck yet, slowly to make sure it...