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  1. pinkcat

    thank u

    I wanted to say a big thank you to all the advice I was given last year for my feral cat. It took some time and patience but as I write she is snoozing in my lap. She is still skitzy at times but on the whole she is loving, fur mowing free and the other cats have accepted her :)
  2. pinkcat

    older short haired cats with recent matting

    Hi. I feel terrible but I just noticed my older cat is getting some mild hair matting around her lower back area. They are small. Is there a gentle way to remove them as I tried brushing her and it seems to pain her a bit..maybe detangler or conditioner during a bath?
  3. pinkcat

    moving to a new home

    Hi all. We are moving to a new home. It's a one bedroom open concept apt/house about 700 square feet. We are building cat shelves and other cat friendly items into our design. We brought a feral in a year ago..things are mostly settled. I am wondering how to introduce the cats to their new...
  4. pinkcat

    vocal kitty after being spayed

    I've had my sweet girl Scrunch since she was 2 weeks old. She's lovey, sweet, but recently my husband insisted I get her spayed. She is 5 now. So I caved and had her spayed 2 months ago. She is not the same cat. She meows constantly, paces the house, eats all the time...even her fur is...
  5. pinkcat

    medicating my feral cat

    Hi all. I recently rescued a starving feral and have quasi socialized me at least. She has terrible ringworm and I have to give her medicine every day. Shes too canny to take it in her food so its a liquid down the throat. My issue is that we do so well together but pill time is horrific...