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  1. K

    Care And Feeding For Cat Who Had A Rectal Prolapse

    I had 4 sisters. One had rectal prolapse a number of times. The vet didn't tell me that it was likely to recur and I didn't have any aftercare instructions for her. It happened again about a year later and we couldn't catch her... she died Now, another of the sisters - Sashi - had the same...
  2. K

    UN-neutered male beats up his sisters

    the male cat is huge and strong and, really, really sweet and loving He's about 6 years old now. He's sweet to kittens, too... however, when they become adults, he beats the snot out of them. he is going to be neutered next week and I'm hoping that his behaviour will become less aggressive...
  3. K

    5 month old kitten is "Hell on Wheels"

    4 1/2 months ago, one of my cats had 5 kittens which she abandoned after about 3 weeks. I bottle fed the kittens for 3-5  weeks One of the babies became "comatose-like" after every feeding.... she did this for about a month and finally, seemed to grow out of it.  She is also a great deal...
  4. K

    PLEASE HELP - 4 week old abandoned kitten in dire straits...

    First time mother (10 month old kitten) abandoned her babies at 3 weeks... I've been feeding them kitten formula and 4 of them have been doing great... the tiniest one, 8 ounces - 4 + weeks old, goes into a comatose like state after a feeding... (it seemed like a really deep sleep)...