Search Results

  1. idyllsend

    Trouble with my Cat brothers

    Okay, so here's a little history on my boys Tulkas and Mandos: They are litter mates, 9 years old, and I've had them since they were 1O weeks old.  They always got along well, play fighting, grooming, and sleeping together. Tulkas: - Sprayed as a juvenile - Had him neutered and that solved...
  2. idyllsend

    Hello, new here and looking for a little help

    Hello everybody!  My name is Tara and I'm the proud mum of Mandos [grey] and Tulkas [ginger], shown below:       They're 9 y/o litter mates who I've had since they were 10wks, and until the past year and a half, got along swimmingly.  Hopefully I can find help beyond what I've already tried...