Search Results

  1. R

    Looking for a kitten food with no fish

    We just adopted a 10 week old kitten.  Our 11 year old Ruth has accepted her quicker than we thought she would, for which we are all thankful.  My problem is that Ruth is not allowed to have any fish products or any dry food.  We are doing our best to keep the Iams kitten food away from her, but...
  2. R

    Blood in urine after visit to vet

    Kittybear went to the vet on Thursday.   She was urinating frequently and eat a lot, but losing weight.  Her glucose was 435, so the diagnosis is diabetes.  We have an appointment on Monday to learn about injections, etc.  While at the vet, they needed a urine sample and got one with the needle...
  3. R

    Looking for Littermaid Parts

    Hello everyone. Long time lurker, but even longer time since I posted. We bought a Littermaid LME9000 last year and LOVE IT!!! Sadly we now have a broken Littermaid LME9000. One of the wheels that make the rake assembly roll down the track broke off. Crazy glue is not working well. I...
  4. R

    I've outsmarted myself!

    I need a little help. I took Ruth to the vet today for her third UTI in five years. Luckily I caught it early and I really don't expect any problems with her recovery. Since pilling her always turns into a wrestling match, I asked the Dr for liquid meds this time. They always works well for...
  5. R

    A kitten resuce

    I don't know if you all are following this blog. It seems this kind soul rescued a kitten from sure death only to discover she had a broken hip. He has been posting daily detailing her progress. Now, he has asked for money. That seems...
  6. R

    Is this constipation?

    I've noticed that Ruth has made several trips to the litter box this morning, but I don't they've been productive. She's also licking her bottom more than usual. Could she be constipatied? She seems to be feeling fine and has been terrorizing Kitty Bear as usual What else should I be...
  7. R

    Eating the newspaper

    Ruth has always played with the newspaper by tearing off little pieces. Lately she has been tearing off bigger pieces of any available paper and even tries to eat some of it. Is this normal for kitties? She is healthy and happy in all ways.