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  1. 4

    Enlarged salivary gland under tongue, cat is not eating, sheduled draining

    Update: Surgery was done, relatively fast, problem is solved for a time being (sometimes healing closes draining holes again, but so far so good). Some syringe feeding was necessary with a smooth, no lumps, Hill's a/d. Once he got something inside, he started to eat by himself, carefully, very...
  2. 4

    Balding spots at the base of tail, not itchy, but all back is sensitive to touch

    Update: Developing of spots continues, we had to visit a vet with post-op mouth problem, at the same time I asked a vet to do all first steps in skin diagnostics, skin scraping and cytology (fungal was already done), reserving biopsy for later, if necessary, when cat completely recovers from...
  3. 4

    Hairball on the place of oral surgery? Brown ball, what next: another surgery? Oh, no...

    Yep, I was panicking, even for a reason... It was hairball (more flattish hair mat, as felt) under tongue, fur was entangled in free ends of sublingual sutures and accumulated. We should have kept him from grooming for 4 wks instead of 2, and do something for decreasing sensitivity, even if I...
  4. 4

    Hairball on the place of oral surgery? Brown ball, what next: another surgery? Oh, no...

    Now it's today... We tried to take pictures, all came completely out of focus and blurred, he moves.
  5. 4

    Hairball on the place of oral surgery? Brown ball, what next: another surgery? Oh, no...

    My cat, adult ragdoll, developed another post-surgical complication. Vet appointment is scheduled for tomorrow, seeking experiences and opinions. He had dental extractions about 3 weeks ago, followed very soon by another oral surgery, under tongue (details here...
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    Balding spots at the base of tail, not itchy, but all back is sensitive to touch

    My apologies for not being clear about bite, maybe other term should be used. The young tabby was 1/3 of the size of older ragdoll (including fur). The mouth of tabby was small, he went for the rear end of older cat as a bulldog, but it's likely that his mouth was full of ragdoll's fur, it's...
  7. 4

    Balding spots at the base of tail, not itchy, but all back is sensitive to touch

    Thank you! The cat is 4 yrs old, but I have previous experience with itchy baldning, compulsive licking and flea allergy with our previous senior cat, it's very different. Environment: The house was undergone practically full cleaning from chemical household agents several years ago, before...
  8. 4

    What pet care misconceptions did you have before getting pets?

    The main misconception for me was that average human can afford a cat (vet care, actually). Minor ones are that cats are mostly healthy and will heal fast on their own after first aid from owner, that main thing is to provide food and roof over cat's head, that grocery store cat food, wet or...
  9. 4

    Furminator - anyone have one?

    It is useless for us, too sensitive cat and it helped not much. Regular comb with rotating pins and bristle hair brush are more helpful and less harsh on cat.
  10. 4

    How much/often do you feed your

    6 times a day, small amounts (1/5-1/4 can) of wet food, when he asks. When he was given the dry kibble (Hill's t/d dental), it was always available, changed daily.
  11. 4

    how to get a man to clean cat litter

    Cat-centered household, cat as a supreme meaning of life. Spending a lot of time time with cat, catering to his needs and whims, then cleaning a litter box becomes a minor, usual thing (if cat has no routine diarrhea). Litter Lock II helped us too.
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    There are pet strollers, foldable, on wheels, available online (eBay, Amazon) or from local pet stores (Pet Valu here). We bought one after the largest available in retail cat carrier became small for a big ragdoll cat. Easier to wheel it few blocks to a vet clinic than walk with heavy cat...
  13. 4

    Mild/moderate exercise for somewhat senior cat

    Any cat likes "catch a mouse under blanket" game, when you move a stick (not hand) under the blanket, throw or sweater, it makes them alert and active for a short time. My fairly young 4 yrs old cat with no joints issues has his exercise patrolling backyard, jumping on the tables/desk (first...
  14. 4

    Balding spots at the base of tail, not itchy, but all back is sensitive to touch

    Thank you! I tried black specks on wet tissue, these not flea excrements, and many of them that I already removed are much larger than flea dirt, not only betweel the hair, but on the hair too, covering several hairs. With anal glands I don't know what they did in procedures room, but the area...
  15. 4

    How can I reduce shedding?

    I had read that during hot weather cats shed more, didn't notice it myself though. I tried everything with shedding for long-haired cat, including Furminator, unless cat is healthy and in really good condition, nothing solves the problem, fur still will be everywhere and will need regular pick...
  16. 4

    Long hair cats & Cat Litter Choices?

    I have a very long haired cat, at least at britches area (ragdoll). We went through several kinds of litter and cat refused to use anything than usual clumping clay-based litter, non-scented. Tthe cheap kind (Fresh Start here) is good enough. No problems, unless cat has loose stool occasionally...
  17. 4

    Any tips on using dental wipes on a cat?

    My cat also refused wiping his teeth, as our vet told us. That cats reluctantly agree to endure in vet's office is one thing, and what they will take at home is completely different thing. There are different herbal or homeopathic formulations for gums that can be dropped on cat's gums or...
  18. 4

    I've been to four vets and no one can figure out what is wrong with my cat, please help!

    I had old, 16 y. o., cat who started wasting away too and it ended badly fast, so I'm very worried about your cat. If possible, finger feed or syringe feed him as a first step, offer a canned food he agrees to eat with some water added if he drinks very little. Again, Tanya's guide to feline CKD...
  19. 4

    Is it typical for the Humane Society to adopt out sick kitties?

    URI is common for cats coming from shelter, they come with it there from streets, being exposed to outdoors and other cats. We have to give all the treatment necessary after adopting the pet. It's one of the life's assumptions, and one of ours vets believe this too, that you get a healthy cat...
  20. 4

    Conjunctivitis Eye Ointment

    We had a similar problem with newly adopted cat, and were prescribed with eye drops. First tetracycline (mycoplasms are usually first suspect), it made things much worse, we had to stop it. Then another kind of drops, different spectrum, didn't help too. When I had to corner veterinarian, she...