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  1. K

    HELP! Kitten's poop is hard and her anus is bleeding :(

    My cat had kittens 2weeks ago and they've all had a hard time thus far but I do have a runt of the litter who has had just one problem after another. Wr've gotten through all of then so far but this one I have no idea what to do. The mom feeds them and licks them to make them potty especially...
  2. K

    New Cat soon to be mama, but I don't know anything about her!

    Alright I have a 9month old little boy and he was my first so paroozing forums for problemsolving is not lost on me by far, but I figured with this little kitty it was time I post something of my own and tell our story, considering how unique is has become for me. Will be quite long considering...