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  1. M

    Mommy Wins!

    After Zoey had her surgery to remove 13 Stones from her bladder, I realized she needed to be drinking more water than she was. And because she'd rather lick the condensation off the side of my glass then go the 30 ft to get a drink of water... I decided to bring the water to her. And well the...
  2. M

    Dog Raw Hide for Cats?

    My cat Clarence (2 yrs old) is an incessant licker and biter. When I pet him for more than a couple of minutes he has to groom me too which can include biting my fingers. Thus far I've not been letting him bite me and when it seems like he's going to I take my hand away and stop petting him...
  3. M

    Garfield Movie

    I was just wondering if anyone other than me wants to go see the Garfield Movie? I think I'm going to feel silly going to see it because I have no kids... But I do have furbabies and I want to see it!!! -
  4. M

    Ringworm question...

    Can I ask someone to take a look at the picture of ringworm in this page and tell me if this is what I would expect it to look like on my cat? I found a lump on Isabelle's back tonight while petting her. I trimmed all the fur around it so I...
  5. M

    First Unknown Cat of the Season...

    Tonight marks the first unknown, un-neutered cat on my stairs of the season and I'm angry! I'm angry because when one of these cats show up on my stairs my cats FLIP OUT! Once I became painfully aware of the cat's presence on my stairs I went right over to the door and the foreign cat backed...
  6. M

    So that's where all your toys went!

    Today was "Clean out under the Stove and Fridge Day" and here's what I found... I especially like the cat toothbrush, ear plugs, straws, hair bands, battery and lids to things! What'll they play with next! -
  7. M

    Lessons in furniture placement...

    So in the past month I re-arranged my living room to allow for a new keyboard stand... And I made a big mistake... I put a shelving unit with electronics on it near one of the windows in my apartment and the new keyboard stand doesn't let me put the seat all the way under, and my cats love...
  8. M

    Mixing Clawed & De-Clawed Cats

    Every now and again I see a cat on that is really special... but it's declawed and so I move on because I have 6 cats with their claws and I figure it's not fair to mix the two. Has anyone ever had experience mixing clawed and de-clawed cats? Is it as big a problem as I think it...
  9. M

    This is Zoey's Remote

    I took this tonight... I love the smile on her face! - -
  10. M

    My cats just don't like anything that's good for them!

    Hi folks! Does anyone other than me have cats that just don't like things that you bring home for them that are good for them? My cats just completely reject new things! I have two examples I'm currently working on right now with them... The Worlds Best Cat Litter... My cats hate this...
  11. M

    I love the pictures out here!

    I just wanted to say how much I love seeing the pictures of everyone's cats in their posts! There are so many cute babies! I'm going to have to get pictures of my babies in my sig soon. It's really nice to associate the name with their kitty! -Monica.
  12. M

    Cat Dandruff & Oily fur around Tail

    My oldest cat Isabelle in the past day or so has developed a real oily patch around her tail and today she seems to have dandruff around her neck and tail. The rest of her seems ok. I'm thinking about giving her a warm bath today with some conditioner, anyone have any thoughts? I checked out...
  13. M

    Cat waking me up in the morning...

    My 5 year old Amelia has been on and off waking me up for a little while now and I'd love to get her to stop this as I haven't gotten a good nights sleep in over a week now. Two mornings ago she woke me up at 5:30 am for seemingly no reason. The time that the Amelia Alarm goes off is not...
  14. M

    Prescription Diet G/D for Bladder Stone Prevention

    Has anyone been prescribed this food for their cat to prevent Triple Phosphate Crystals/Stones from forming in their bladder? Initially she was going to prescribe me S/D formula then moving to C/D formula, but she changed her mind to go with this G/D formula instead seeing as I have a wide...
  15. M

    Zoey's Transdermal Morphine Patch...

    My 5 year old Zoey come home from the Hospital today after having gotten a Cystectomy to remove stones from her bladder. First off I have to say that I am amazed at how well she's doing after her surgery, but I have a question about this Morphine Transdermal Patch they've used as a pain killer...
  16. M

    6 Cats & Playing Equity

    I have 6 cats with ages ranging from 2 to 10. I have a couple of those feather on a string toys which I keep in an Armoir. The cats love these toys so much that everytime they hear the Armoir door open they all come running. The issue I'm having is that my two youngest boys are *very*...