Search Results

  1. M

    Do vets discourage rescues?

    I haven't had experience with a vet discouraging rescue, but from your description, I think you did the right thing, as hard as it was. Just to imagine the poor thing, unable to eat or drink or even move her mouth without pain, is heartbreaking. It sounds like this was a particularly severe...
  2. M

    Translating "Meow"

    Regina - it sounds like Ebony feels right at home already! Mindy has three or four regular meows that sound similar to Ebony's. Let's see, there's this little chirpy "mew?" when I come home, it actually sounds like a question - she waits right by the door and I think she's saying, "Who is...
  3. M

    How many cats for a single man?

    Ok, I voted for three. I used to think two but I have a straight male friend with 2 cats so 2 isn't enough for me to assume things anymore. Of course, it would be 1 if he also drives one of the new VW bugs. Or is an interior designer. Just kidding, folks!!!!
  4. M

    Playing with moths? Moral question.

    How funny that you bring this up... I have thought the exact same thing - my indoor cat just goes crazy whenever there is a bug in the house. And I let her chase them down and torment them (at least that's what it looks like to me). I also feel like she's denied some part of her innate...
  5. M

    Latchkey Cat

    I agree with the previous post - life with a loving owner is better than a shelter anyday! I am also out of the house a lot, but when I'm home my kitty gets lots and lots of attention. Leave a bunch of interesting and safe toys out while you're gone. I adopted an adult cat (2 years old) which is...
  6. M

    "Meg Ryan" Won't Drink Water!!! Help Please...

    Meg may be drinking out of the bowl when you're not there. I had a similar question a while back. My cat only eats dry food and I was concerned that her water bowl always seemed to have the same amount. One day I finally saw her drinking from the bowl, but she stopped and stared at me when...
  7. M

    Playing or Aggression?

    Your cat sounds just like my 2 year old shelter cat! I think it's playful aggression, from talking to people and reading about it. My cat started out by just batting my ankles and running away, then it progressed to biting and gnawing, not enough to draw blood, but enough to hurt! I was...
  8. M

    catnip bubbles?!

    I bought some catnip bubbles a couple of months ago and it's one of the few "toys" that my cat will actually play with. At first she was terrified of them but the second time I brought them out, she liked them. Now if she sees me pick them up, she actually follows me around begging to play...
  9. M

    sick kitty

    Jacquie - I'm so so sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking just reading your post. I know this is a terrible time for you and your husband but Norty was lucky to be cared for and loved so much and to have lived a happy life with you. Thinking of you...
  10. M

    clipping nails

    My cat is also squirmy and an expert at avoiding me... A couple of times I managed to cut her nails when she was sleeping but she caught onto that and started sleeping with her paws underneath her. Also I have never been able to get her in a towel because she figures out what's going on and...
  11. M

    Kitten wants out

    I have a similar problem with my cat. I started leaving a shake can (empty soda can with some pennies) right outside the door and would shake it right as I walked in because my cat was waiting right there trying to get out. I'd also shake it near the door as I was leaving. It actually worked...