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  1. D

    7 Month Old Female Kitten Has Ear Mites.

    Hi all, I had taken in this little stray and she has ear mites, (and yes, I know what ear mites look like) I first started using virgin olive oil to clean out her ears. i noticed her ears started to get a little red. so I switched to coconut oil thinking that wouldn't be as harsh, but then she...
  2. D

    Worried pet of a cat that can't go # 2 UPDATE

    Nekos' update.            I had to take her into the vet today. Her constipation was starting to make her drowsy and she hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. The visit was expensive. At first they wanted to take an X-ray, but that was $300.00  upfront. And i do not have that kind of money, i...
  3. D

    Worried pet of a cat that can't go # 2

    Hello all. I have a 6 year old gray mixed tabby, female feline that goes by the name Neko. Her diet is as follows: 2 scoops of 1/8 cups dry food in the morning at 6 am with water mixed in,  (if it don't put water into her dry food, she inhales it.) At night time, 8 pm, I feed her wet food, 2...