Search Results

  1. gaveston


    Can someone clarify.  Was advised on here to use an enzymatic to deter cat from spraying in same spots.  Is NATURE'S MIRACLE an enzymatic?  it has rave reviews on here for odor, but does it cut pheromones too?  Or is there another preferred enzymatic? Also, on the Feliway, i keep seeing a...
  2. gaveston

    Dominant Female Spraying

    Again with my little girl, Calais. She has a total "only sister" complex and strives to be Alpha over Marvin and Dover. She is fully litter box friendly, but rebelliously will spray on certain walls or furniture. And then stand there arguing with me about it. She has been neutered since...
  3. gaveston

    Hello y'all.

    Glad to be on the site. My partner and I are the parents of 3 little ruffian's. Marvin is the Grownup. He is 10½. He was found feral under a truck, somehow separated from litter, and only weeks old. Fortunately we put him into a domestic lifestyle. He grew up with Miss Moo an Snorkles...
  4. gaveston

    odd growth on leg

    Have a 3yo ASH Blue. This evening she was chasing around something that looked like it was stuck to her foot. After about an hour of trying to catch her, finally success. This was really weird. It was something coming out of her leg. It looked like a slightly tattered carpet thread at the...