Search Results

  1. puffinfluff

    Yowling, vomiting, and hiding?

    I just got home from my graveyard shift and my Zorro was hiding under the bed. Now, this is nothing new but when he came out, he started yowling at me like something was wrong. I've had him for about three years now and he's only made this sound while horrified about something (in his kennel...
  2. puffinfluff

    Finicky Feline with Seafood Allergies?

    Hello everyone! First off, I'm a new member of this site, but not new at using it's advice. I thought I'd finally create an account here since I'm in a bit of a dilemma. My cat is allergic to seafood. Now, I know many of the experts (including most of you on this site) don't recommend diets high...