Search Results

  1. H

    Cats that portray human characteristics

    My cats absolutely love the shower. They want to be in the bathroom when I'm taking a shower and they sit on the ledge and wait for me to come out so they can lick the water off the bottom. Well my new cat Sam is an aggrivation to Frodo who has been with us for a little over a year. Sam also...
  2. H

    Just plain adorable!!!

    This is a picture a friend sent me in an email. Cat lover or not, this picture is precious!
  3. H

    Our new cat

    Hello, It's been a while since I've posted to this forum, but just got a new cat. Actually the cat found my husband. Now normally we have a lot of strays running around our apartment complex because people don't want to pay to keep a pet indoors. Well this one particular stray followed my...
  4. H cat in the house...

    Hello, I'm not new to this forum, but I may have a new a cat. Last night this kitten about five months old, followed my husband up from the parking lot of our complex to our apartment. He ignored the kitten because he had a flea collar, but the kitten stayed and whined outside our door. So Josh...
  5. H


    I feel useless! I just graduated from college about a month ago and I've been looking for a job. No luck. Every day I get up....turn in resume's and interviews. I've only had two interviews so far and both seemed disinterested. I feel like I have no skills because my degree is in...
  6. H

    Is this sad?

    I've been away from home for four days in another city looking for a job. Is it sad that I miss my cat more than I miss my husband? I keep wondering if he'll forget me, since he's still just a baby. I'm thankful I get to go home tomorrow. Josh says he purrs when he hears my voice on the phone...
  7. H

    The adventures of Frodo

    Once upon a time there lived Mr. Ty the Leopard on top of my computer. He was great friends with Mr. Fishy who lived in the aquarium in the desk next to him. Until one day... Terro swept through all the land, because a new cat had entered the territory. It was Frodo the black panther...
  8. H

    Have to share!

    Hey peeps, I thought this was so funny and had to share it with you all. Okay, I am married and live with a husband that doesn't believe he snores. The worst part about his snoring is that it isn't consistant. He'll stop, it will get completely quiet and then a really loud one jars me from my...
  9. H

    Kitten finally discovered the counter!

    I knew it would hapen one day....I just didn't know when. I heard a loud crash, and ran into the kitchen and there he was, staring up at me like "what did I do", I sprayed him with the water bottle, and he starts biting the stream. He's not afraid of water, in fact he lays in the sink or shower...
  10. H

    Talking Kitten

    My kitten talks to his toys. It's like he's doing roll playing games with all of them. Sort of like how you'll find a little girl talking to all of her dolls. It's really quite adorable. Frodo will take this toy that looks like a little black rat and cuddle it like a kit, and then just purr away...
  11. H


    Hey, I was trying to choose an avatar, but it only gave me five to chose from and wouldn't let me customize my own. I see others on the forum that have customized ones. What can I do? Heather
  12. H

    Hello, I'm new!

    Hey, My name is Heather. I have a cat named Frodo, and I love talking about my cat, but for some reason other people just don't care. So I thought, hey join a cat forum with other cat lovers, and get to know some cool people. Just saying hey,