Search Results

  1. R

    Fixxed male cat spraying.

    I have a 2 year old male kitty who is my best friend.  However, after another one of my cats went into heat before I got her fixxed he has started spraying/uriniating everywhere.  I dont know what to do to get him to stop.  My wife is at her wits end with him and it wont be long before he is...
  2. R

    Sick Male Cat

    I have a male cat, Castiel, that is just about two years old.  He has just started peeing blood around the house the past two days.  It is very small amounts, sometimes only just a drop or two.  He is still eating and drinking, he is not throwing up, he is still playing with my other cats.  If...
  3. R

    Trouble with a little kitten

    Hello everyone, About 3 weeks ago I came home with a 3-4 month old siamese/mancoon mix.  She is a bundle of joy and loves to be held and loved.  She however has a problem that is hard to deal with..  She has been having diarrhea almost non stop,  I have tried switching foods and everything.  At...
  4. R

    Need any and all possible suggestions...

    I have a two year old cat named Link.  About three weeks ago I noticed him acting wierd and it turns out he was blocked.  I got him to a Vet within a day of it happening and had him back home in 5 days.   Since then however he has gotten worse.  He refuses to eat anything.  At first i thought...