Search Results

  1. M

    A cat that didn't develop "warmth"?

    For the last almost 2 months my husband and I have been the proud owners of two kittens. We were by chance at the spca when someone brought them in and they were going to be put down because they were under two pounds. They were tiny, and obviously malnurished but have thrived under our care...
  2. M

    Anyone seen the magnet-ribbons for spaying-neutering?

    I don't know if this is all over the country, but in CA ribbons on cars are everywhere. There are a lot of yellows- for support our troops, pinks-breast cancer etc. I saw one the other day, I believe it was blue- for spaying and neutering. Has anyone seen these or know where I can get one? No...
  3. M

    A cat "chewing her cud" -ever seen this?

    Red is a maine coon. She is very affectionate and is a great cat, although she does something strange. While she is purring, she will start chomping down on nothing. The closest thing I can compare it to is a cow chewing her cud. Anyone have a similar situation with their cats? nancy
  4. M

    bowel problems in cats?

    My kitten is having a hard time going to the bathroom. He yowls this horrible sound, like he is trying to go, but he just cant. We have been giving him kitten formula, and I think he is constipated. Is this possible?
  5. M

    Mother of 3 is just about to become a mother of 4!

    Hi everyone! Just found TCS through I believe, or maybe the either way, I am the proud mother of 3 cats, Methusilah (aka Mussy), Red, and Lucifer. 2 years ago I got my first apartment and my first cat (on my own) 6 months later I got engaged and got Mussy a friend...