Search Results

  1. adriane

    Relationship vent

    True to just about everyone's word here - it's hard to hear, but it's time to leave. It's so hard, I know - I was in a similar situation. That's not love. Love doesn't hurt someone like that. I sure hope you can be strong enough to do what's right for you. You're in my thoughts.
  2. adriane

    Flip Flop Quilt

    WOW! Thats amazing! I just got a sewing machine for Christmas - Im pretty sure Im only good and lop-sided pillow cases - Man, that is something to aspire to! My sister, who LIVES in flip-flops (even in the winter) would go nuts for that! You should make some to sell, you'd be rollin in it -...
  3. adriane

    Weird way you eat food...

    Oh the HO HO's!!! How could I have forgotten!! Eat the ends off. I peel the outside layer off. Eat. Then unroll it best I can and YUM!
  4. adriane

    Weird way you eat food...

    Well ... I dip french fries in my chocolate shake. I tear a Twinkie in 1/2 and lick the cream out. lol I eat the long sided bottom edges off a KitKat first. I USED to put an M&M in my mouth, suck all the candy shell off and Then chew on the Chocolate .. but now. I just eat em .. I cant...
  5. adriane

    Baby Jesse Pics

    Weeell .. ok, so they are a stretch .. kinda small, but the lil guy is in there! Its under Christmas. So thats our new lil baby - Jesse Cole DuQuenne! Hes 5 weeks old already! ACK! (And he got some shots at the doc today ) Enjoy!
  6. adriane

    Who is your celebrity look alike?

    Wow thats cool!! I got : Scarlett Johansson (?) Mira Sorvino Kim Basinger Avril Lavigne (?! i had no idea lol ) Elisha cuthbert Julia Roberts Grace Kelly (It wasnt on there, but I look Remarkabley like :this Thora Birch I had a lady ask me if I was in that movie "Now and Then" that she was...
  7. adriane

    Foley has FUS

    I think thats what its called? We took him to the vet last nite in a hurry. While feeding our baby Jesse, I noticed from the rocker that Foley had been in his litter box for awhile (its in our master-bath right now). I thought, well - he must be poo'in .. he's always been a big stinky...
  8. adriane

    Are you ready for some football?

    ME TOO! Sadly though, My Dear Sweet COLTS didnt make it. They did so great! (GrVanderjagtGrumbleKickerGr) But I guess now just wasnt our time. *Sigh* Soon though! I just know it!
  9. adriane

    Anyone else have a seizure type disorder??

    My husband has the Jerks too! Hes only had about 4 seziers (that he knows of). One I actually was there for, begining to end. Scary stuff. I know the jerks you're talking about. His got really bad for a bit, untill he was put on Depakote. Then he ran out and they started to come back...
  10. adriane

    Flat Irons and Straigtening your hair

    Yey for the masses of unmanagable hair!! I have pretty curly, wavy, bumpy, spiraly hair. I used to straighten with the blow dryer thing with a brush on it and it would take ForEvEr! Yey for the Conair ceramic plate thingy! I got one for Christmas too! I saw the commerical for it and the...
  11. adriane

    Do you need an excuse?

    Ive got to aparently ...... Jump my Floppy Donkey ... ?! yikes.
  12. adriane

    So its 10:15pm .. whatcha doin ...

    Weeeeeeelp .... Its late. Sorta. Im waiting for Jesse to wake up and take a bottle. If I go to bed now ... I will only be up again in 45 minutes or so and thats just a tease. You're almost sound asleep ... but when you wake are groggy as heck. So here I sit .. surfin da site .. surfin...
  13. adriane

    Post you kitty close-ups here!!

    Yey for the "Booger Nose" close ups! (ie- cats with marks on their noses)
  14. adriane

    Foley is AWOL

    Wow - things have been BUSY. (We have a new baby) Foley had left on Christmas Day ... and returned on New Years Day, Jan 1st! Aparently my mom in law said that she woke up early and looked out the back door - and lo and behold, there he was hanging out with another cat! She opened the door...
  15. adriane


    You could try THIS at Target ... I saw one there today, only it was red and pink hearts. edit - ok, so I got bored ... I found some shower rings
  16. adriane

    Going to see Toby Keith!!

    Wow how fun!! Great seats too!! Have a most wonderful time!! (Where at in Indy are you from? Brownsburg here..)
  17. adriane

    Foley is AWOL

    Welp - I was glad to share the news of our new son, Jesse with everyone .. however .. I didnt want to mention just yet that while we were at the hospital Foley had gotten out and ran. We live with my in laws right now, and we think either mom or dad in law left the back door open .. well, didnt...
  18. adriane

    It's A Boy!!

    Pics to come as SOON as I can get em! I hated posting that great news with no pics! lol Soon soon soon I promise!
  19. adriane

    It's A Boy!!

    He has arrived!! Welp, he made an early arrival - 3 weeks almost!! Born Wednesday, Dec. 21st @ 5:45 pm! He weighed in at 7 pounds 13 ounces and is 21 inches long! Pretty big for an early bird! (Holy cow what Would I have done if he was fully term?! ) We didnt pick out a name untill ...
  20. adriane

    What's the best deal you've gotten?

    Whelp - tis the season to go on sale! I was wondering what kinda deals everyone was getting lately ... I personally havent gotten much .. but went with my sister to help her buy for her friends. We were at Old Navy and she found some shoes for her roommate for $3!! She decided that wasnt...