Search Results

  1. rosieglow

    Average lifespan of indoor female cat that's spayed?

    I think there is no 'average' age for cats lifespan really as, like humans, their constitutions are individual to them. My first cat  lived to 24 years, the last 7 years being spent as an "indoor" cat - her choice. She  was always fit and well and started slowing down at 17. She only seemed...
  2. rosieglow

    Cat Viciously Attacked My Mother Twice.

    Having read this thread, I am wondering whether your cat's behaviour is being triggered by a memory of something in your mother's posture/smoking by the door/door being ajar/what your mother is wearing - clothes/perfume, etc. You mentioned that when your mother had showered your cat is OK again...
  3. rosieglow

    At wit's end

    If you are relocating, your cats will know about it. This affects some cats more than others. It may be that she feels a little insecure and the stress will often affect a cat's behaviour the way you describe. They key is to keep calm around your cat and behave as 'normally' as you can. Cats...
  4. rosieglow

    Freckles - pigment change - Melanoma???

    I have to say I did extensive research on the internet prior to Bracken's experience, and there was nothing posted on any site or contained in any documentation I saw where the 2 eye situation you describe occurred, My vet's opthalmist said he'd only ever heard of one eye being affected. Makes...
  5. rosieglow

    Freckles - pigment change - Melanoma???

    No problem at all. Our opthalmist said he looks for 3 symptoms before doing something as drastic as removing a cat's eye because only with the 3 symptoms together could he be sure of an accurate diagnosis. For him, pigmentation change on its own wouldn't necessarily be a problem - he also said...
  6. rosieglow

    Freckles - pigment change - Melanoma???

    It is great that you are taking your cat to see the opthalmist every few months or so. The opthalmist knows exactly what to look for and will let you know if there are any changes.  I posted a thread about my cat Bracken's experience with pigmentation turning out to diffuse iris melanoma...
  7. rosieglow

    Freckle in Cat's Eye was Melanoma - Story and Action Taken

    YAY!! Just got the histopathology report for Bracken's eye (removed)! "...confirms a diagnosis of diffuse iris melanoma, in this case in a very early stage. Enucleation is expected to be curative."  Before Bracken's operation the opthalmist said I didn't have to know what what in the...
  8. rosieglow

    Constipated Cat - HELP!

    My cat Bracken (age 6) was constipated for 3 days following an operation and general anaesthetic.  An experienced friend suggested I mix water and tuna juice in with her food but she would;t eat it. After 4 days and no poop, I called the ver and they recommended mixing a little sunflower oil in...
  9. rosieglow

    What's one positive thing you can say about the last 24 hours of your life?

    Made chocolate bowls for visiting friends' dessert. Wonky but darned scrum my!
  10. 100_3277.jpg


  11. Bracken.JPG


  12. Pippin.JPG


  13. My beautiful twin girls

    My beautiful twin girls

    Bracken and Pippin
  14. rosieglow

    Can everyone do a prayer for me?

    Absolutely! Positive thoughts are like prayer and give energy to the situation. All good for Mewlittle xx
  15. rosieglow

    Can everyone do a prayer for me?

    Yes, prayers do certainly work and pets have angels too. Brave Mewlittle has mine and Pippin and Bracken's. (Mewlittle probably has a few of her nine lives left too).
  16. rosieglow

    Reintroducing Best Friend Cats after 5 days Separation due to Surgery and Recuperation

    [if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif][if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/>...
  17. rosieglow

    Elizabeth Collar

    [if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif][if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:PunctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/>...
  18. rosieglow

    Hi to all Cat Lovers - Great to be Here from Ros, Bracken and Pippin

    Hi there, I'm Ros and I live in a rural village called Hebden Bridge in the UK with family (my two twin black girl cats, Pippin and Bracken, and my partner Marcel). Bracken and Pips are so close they act like one cat. They start cleaning themselves at the same time, mirror each others body...
  19. 100_1832.jpg

