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  1. bengaldad303

    Bengals not getting along after trauma

    UPDATE: I used a pheromone diffusion and slowly tried reintegrating over and over. Each interaction seemed a little less tense until after about 3 days they were getting along! It's amazing how fragile my little ecosystem is. I'm overjoyed to have everything back in balance. Thanks for all the...
  2. bengaldad303

    Bengals not getting along after trauma

    Great idea, I'll wash both and hopefully not bleed to death! Even better idea "clip their nails!!!" Luckily Bengals love water (at least mine), but I've never bathed them. Then I will continue re-intro techniques. I thought I learned the washer and dryer lesson, and usually I leave the door open...
  3. bengaldad303

    Bengals not getting along after trauma

    My Vet is recommending pheromones to de-stress and reset the situation. Has anyone tried this. He also recommended bathing the sick cat to help remove the scent reminder of the trauma. So far I've been doing as Maewkaew and the link suggested, and I'm keeping them separated. This is a pain, and...
  4. bengaldad303

    Bengals not getting along after trauma

    Thanks Maewkaew! It's so hard to separate them in my house because it's either putting them in a room or the bathroom and they meow, and meow, but you're  probably right letting them "try and figure it out" does seem to be making things potentially worse. I'll do that and call the vet again...
  5. bengaldad303

    Bengals not getting along after trauma

    Late the other night I switched laundry (which I always check before I run due to crazy Bengals). I closed the washer door out of habit, did  NOT start it, and started the dryer. My girlfriend is allergic to the cats so I don't let them in my room. Fire (the boy cat) was crying in a weird way...