Search Results

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    Giardia in kitten

    Hi Julia, 5 days with Flagyl/panacur is what my vet and other vets I have spoken with recommend for Giardia. 3 days for regular deworming. If your girl kitten has had minimal contact with Chase and is not showing any signs of illness, you probably would not need To medicate her. Good luck and...
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    Giardia in kitten

    Hi Julia. I have had experience with diarrhea in kittens, usually giardia or coccidia. I have used panacur/flagyl for 5 days with giardia and albon for coccidia. Sometimes a combination of metronizadole with one of these above medications. For coccidia it is usually a 7 day dose. Even though he...
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    Kitty hiding in house?

    Thank you, Ondine, We have a multiple cat household, so difficult to monitor eating & pooping. However, I really appreciate your advice and especially about the video camera. Just having someone to talk to outside our zone is very comforting. Appreciate everything. :)
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    Benadryl for cats?

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    Kitty hiding in house?

    Hi, I just joined The Cat Site today. I have an issue that I am very stressed about. My husband and I live in San Jose, CA. We are on our annual vacation in Bellingham, Washington. One of our kitties, a very smart, slic k, though very sweet kitties named Webbie, has not shown himself to my cat...