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  1. W

    Please tell my not all parents today have forgotten to teach about lawn mowers

    I was laying in bed watching Elfi and the kittens...when I hear a lawn mower start stop start stop about 5 times so I roll over and look out the window and there is a boy the neighbors grandson....he's probably about 8 playing with the mower but just starting it so no big deal he wasn't touching...
  2. W

    Looks like today is the day!!!!

    Elfi appears to be in labor...she's not eating and I can see contractions. She has choosen one of my dresser drawers as her spot...which is fine we removed my clothes and added newspaper and a pair of pj's my mom doesn't like for some cushion. Of course she went into labor right as I was...
  3. W

    Elfi Pregnancy

    ok first I want to say tomorrow I will try my hardest to get my friend Kim over here with her digital cam...that way I can save my last remaining rool of film for kittens....taking some of her preg but want to wait to develop. Well mom says the other night she felt some movement when elfi had...
  4. W

    Bird catcher

    All of our cats except Ozzie (persian) and now Elfi cause she preg go outside. This story is about Shadow(she's 12 now but was probably 4 when this happened. Skinny black cat she doesn't look like much but has maintained Alpha position in home for 9 years. So Shadow killed a bird and in all...
  5. W

    This is the happiest day of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok background ifno first......My father has had 4 wives and their are 9 kids total...2 from 1st (Craig, me) 3 from 2nd(Julie, Bobbi Sue and Dustin) 1 from 3rd (Chris) and 3 from 4th (Riley(died 20 mins after birth,) Ashley, Austin. Julie, Bobbi Sue and Dustin were adopted by stepfather and kept...
  6. W

    I got an A!!!!!!!

    In high school I was one of those kids that almost didn't graduate...I didn't care, and college was a waste of time. But 2 years ago I decieded I did want to go to college and now I'm at the end of my second year. I have gotten mostly B's and C's a D and an NC (Not have to...
  7. W

    New to Group

    Hello everyone, I have owned cats since I was 9, I am 26 now. Currently we have 11 total...with one being a persian and kittens on the way in what I think will be just a few short weeks....we have never had a mom cat as normally we fix them early enough to not have then get preg...but times...
  8. W

    Ooops she's pregnant

    My mom's cat Elfi...well she's more mine then my mom's but mom won't admit pregnant. She went into heat for first time little over a month ago and escaped the house....I was on spring break and home a friend of mine moving in here my brother and his wife having my neice