Search Results

  1. althe

    4 Month Old Kitten - Suspected Liver Shunt

    Hi all, We got our beloved Thea in Novevmber and she is now 4 mths old - ish. From the moment she moved in with us, I noticed that she drank an incredible amount of water for her size. We measured it to be roughly 500ml a day. When I took her to get her jabs I mentioned it to the vet, who did...
  2. althe

    New Kitten - Out of sorts

    Hi all I'm hoping someone can help as I'm really worried. We have had our new Kitten for 1 week and she has been full of energy, bouncing around the house at all times of day and night. My other cat is yet to be convinved but they have been tolerating each other quite well. All was progressing...