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  1. S

    bad legs

    Misty was okay for a couple of days after her visit to the vets, but then she started doing the lying-down thing again. We took her back to the vets yesterday. Her temperature was fine this time, and the vet examined her legs again, and said they seem fine too. She's given us some...
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    cat crying

    Sometimes my two cats start crying loudly through the night. They usually seem to just want to know where we all are, and if I talk to them and stroke them they'll settle down.
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    Weird cat behavior!

    My cat Misty sometimes does something that sounds a bit like what you're talking about. If I stroke her back/tail she twitches and licks or nibbles my fingers till I stop. Having looked at her skin, we've found that she gets scabs on her back, if she has fleas, I think it's called flea allergy...
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    bad legs

    Misty had seemed okay on Wednesday but yesterday she was walking funny again. She did it a few times, and I noticed that it didn't look like she was limping, but like she was uncomfortable standing and then she would lie down. Sometimes she meaowed as she lay down, as if she was in pain. Each...
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    bad legs

    Thanks for your advice. I've made an appointment at the vets for tomorrow. I also tried moving my hands over her as you suggested, and couldn't feel any heat. I'll let you know what happens at the vets, I hope she's going to be okay.
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    bad legs

    Can i have some advice please? My little Misty was limping yesterday. I checked her paws, and I couldn't find anything stuck in them. She didn't mind me touching her paws, so it seemed as though it must be her back legs aching, although it was hard to tell. She limped for a while, then...
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    Do cats grieve?

    Yeah he sounds lovely doesn't he? Looking after his family aww. It's sad to know that little Mindy is grieving for her brother, but at least we know that that's what it is and we can comfort her.
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    My cat won't bury its p**p

    I've got two cats - Honey always covers up after herself, and also likes to jump straight on the tray after I've cleaned it! Misty prefers to go outside, and sometimes covers up but sometimes she just leaves it lying there. When she does go on the tray, she sometimes tries to cover up by...
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    My cat got outside and hasn't came home!!

    Aww I'm so glad you found him! I know what it feels like to lose a cat - our Honey went missing a few years ago. She went out and didn't come home for nearly two days. We were starting to think we wouldn't see her again. Anyway one morning my Mam heard a little meow from outside, and when...
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    Do cats grieve?

    A friend recently lost one of her cats. She had two cats (brother and sister) for 13 years, and unfortunately had to have the male put to sleep due to illness, about three months ago. She is worried that his sister (Mindy) is missing him, and thinks that she is scared to go places that he used...
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    cat diet

    My boyfriend and I are planning to move in together, taking our cats with us. The problem is, that his two male cats are used to a diet of tinned food on a morning, and dried food at night, they also drink plenty of water. I also have two cats (females), who eat tinned food for every meal, and...
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    How can I get my cats to like me?

    I have 2 male cats, who are 2 years old. They are brothers. I have had them since they were kittens. The problem is that they are not very sociable. I played with them a lot when they were little and gave them lots of love and attention. But they do not like to be picked up and cuddled and...