Search Results

  1. mamasugar

    Urocystitis or vesical calcification or what?

    Oh, I'll try to answer all the questions: 1) the urine was cultured as there is notification in the test result that there were some coccus found. 2) we had the ultrasound examination and the vet said there were the signs of inflamation in the bladder and some "suspended matter" like...
  2. mamasugar

    Urocystitis or vesical calcification or what?

    Hello everyone! I've got a 2.2 year old cat, neutered at the age of 1. Up to this November he has had no health problems at all, but now I really don't know what do do. 11 days ago he couldn't empty his bladder at all, he was trying to do it may be 3-4 times and the duration of each "try" was...