Search Results

  1. P

    Are Cats behavior stuck for life?

    For example can an adult feral cat become unferal? Can a cat that absolutely hates other cats be conditioned to live with other cats? Can a cat that is extremely shy around strangers suddenly become outgoing? Do genes play any role? These questions are just for general knowledge, curious if...
  2. P

    Getting a single cat used to living in a multi cat household

    I am aware of the articles on this site, regarding cat introductions. I am asking how would you get a single cat or kitten to get accustomed or acclimated to live in a multi cat household? I have a three year old cat that my brother in Washington DC has graciously been taking care of me while...
  3. P

    Is it possible- introductions?

    Hi guys I posted a few days ago about traveling with my cat across country via airplane. I was curious however once he gets settled at my new place would he be able to have a new kitten or cat introduced to him ( following the methods outlined on this and other sites)? Financially I feel like...
  4. P

    Moving across country-Kitty travel

    Not sure if this is the proper forum for this, but here it goes: I moved to Boise, Idaho a year ago as part of a federal program AmeriCorps VISTA (great program look it up!). The program places people with organizations trying to eradicate poverty, for a year. So I decided it would be yo much of...
  5. P

    Cat Introductions

    Hi Meow everyone. Just a quick question regarding Cat introductions: I am well aware of the cat introduction that is listed here on Thecatsite, but my question was following the steps listed here and elsewhere, what does someone do if for example when mixing the scents the cats hiss at each...
  6. P


    Just curious question: While it's obvious cats are not pack animals and would take some time accepting a feline newcomer. Dogs it seems if *raised properly for the most part will accept a new dog at any point in its life, being socially conditioned for it. Question is: At what point (age)...
  7. P


    Hello everyone a question: I will be moving to a bigger apartment in about a month. Right now its three of us plus Flea cramped in a small 650 SQ FT two bedroom apartment. I know in the hierarchy of things cats value there territory is near the top. And unlike dogs moving for cats can be quite...
  8. P

    Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

    Can someone describe Hypoallergenic Cat breeds. I have a cat but am considering getting another one. Would normally go to the pound to adopt, but my roommate has mild cat allergies. He occasionally will get itchy eyes, and the runny nose. I have heard that he's not allergic to the fur but a...
  9. P

    Feral Colony

    So I have a eight month old fully domesticated house cat-Flea. I live in a lower income apartment complex about 5 minutes outside DC in Hyattsville, MD. Anyways outside our building within the complex is about 6 semi-feral cats. I say semi-feral because you can actually pet some if you lure them...
  10. P

    Origin of Cat breeds?

    Where there distinct breeds that got out of control giving rise to the modern day DSH & DLH. Or did people specifically breed certain traits from DSH & DLH to get our modern day Persians or Siamese. Also is there a purpose of cat breeds. I mean different dog breeds seem practical. You have...
  11. P


    Like many of you out there I will be celebrating Thanksgiving. And like many of you in have a cat (Flea). The question is: I currently live with my brother his roommate and flea in a small apartment. For thanksgiving weekend how do I plan out trip to my parents? I hear cats are really attached...
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    Hey guys I had a question. My cat Flea after finishing eating will paw and scratch in the area around his food bowl. I was just curious as to what this means? Is he marking territory? Cleaning himself? Etc? He doesn't really do damage (other than occasionally knocking over remaing food on carpet...
  13. P

    New Cat Owner, a question.

    So recently I got a 3 month old kitten fro m someone in my neighborhood. I was going to adopt two but could only afford the initial vet fees for vaccinations and neutering for one, plus my apartment has a restrictive pet policy $50 added to rent per pet. However I was wondering if by not getting...