Search Results

  1. sonadora

    New Foster Mom Update: Overfeeding kittens?

    Hey all, I posted before about some kittens I am fostering, found here: They are doing well, but I have a concern. Short story is, I've never cared for kittens this young before (they are coming on 9 weeks, now) and I'm worried about how much I...
  2. sonadora

    Problems with my boyfriend

    This is not going to be a happy post but if hope no one minds if I let some feelings out here. I will keep this brief. My boyfriend confessed to me that he isn't attracted to me because I'm overweight and it is " ruining our relationship" I put on 30 pounds since I met him and have lost half...
  3. sonadora

    Foster Failure- Tabitha

    Hey guys.  So I've been all over the site recently. Hope I'm not driving anyone crazy yet! But I've got just one more thing to share with everyone.  I posted that I was fostering two polydactyl sisters, Jynx and Tabitha. Jynx was adopted last weekend, and I think I've talked myself into...
  4. sonadora

    My kids have four paws! (WARNING: MANY PICTURES)

    Hi all, I have another post specifically asking for some advice about some new kittens I am taking in,  found here:  but I would like to introduce everyone to my current cat family! I have two big males of my own, and have recently become a...
  5. sonadora

    New Foster Mom!

    Hi all, I've recently started volunteering with a local pet rescue organization. We foster rescues out of private homes and showcase them for adoption at a local pet store.  I already have two full-grown males of my own, and am currently fostering two 7 month old sisters (though it looks like...