Search Results

  1. sassan31

    Worried about my Vega..

    I’m really worried about my Vega (he is about 5-months old). I have an appointment for him to see the Vet on Monday but in the meantime I am worried. I got a new kitten (friend for Vega) and she had tapeworms so I gave them both these ProLabs Tape Worm Tabs (Praziquantel) so I think/thought that...
  2. sassan31

    Just Brought A New Kitty Home And They Are Not Getting Along!

    Hello all! Today is the second day I brought a new kitty home (a 13-week old female kitten to a household which has a 16-week old male kitten). We had the 16-week old male kitten since he was 5.5 weeks old. Both cats are not neutered or spayed yet. The male kitten is having issues and is being...
  3. sassan31

    Worried about my kitty after taking Comfortis

    My little kitten Vega is 12-weeks old and went to the vet earlier today for his second round of vaccinations. He was also given Comfortis for flea treatment. Within about half an hour he threw it up and tremored a little. Since then he has been lethargic and weak and when I pick him up he cries...
  4. sassan31

    Just got a 6-week old Siamese kitty!

    I just got a 6-week old Siamese female kitten and will be looking in the next week or two to find another kitten to join her. In the mean time, this is the first cat that I have ever had and the first real pet (other than birds) since I was 1 or 2 years old. I will be looking online for tips and...