Search Results

  1. biancavd

    Mom Stopped Cleaning Kittens

    I have had many litters before, and up until 2 days never really had any major issues. But as what is going on now has me very confused, I hope some of you can help me. We have a litter of 2.5 weeks old, and one of 4 weeks old. They were seperated. The mom of the 2 week old litter stopped...
  2. biancavd

    My Christmas Card this year

    Christmas has already past, but I wanted to show everyone my card of this year (Because it's so adorable!)! I also I want to wish everyone on this forum a happy and healthy 2017, full of wonderful catventures ;)
  3. biancavd

    Our baby died last monday

    I never lost a cat before. And even though I thought I'd be prepared if it ever happens, I obviously wasn't. We lost our Delilah last monday, and I have cried for days on end. I have seen her get born, helped her learn how to use the litterbox, fed her her first wetfood and kibbles, took her to...
  4. biancavd

    Siberian Kittens

    Because I'm so proud. Here a few pictures of our new born Siberian kittens. They are now 3 days old.
  5. biancavd

    About feeding a kitten

    Hi, I am the owner of 2 lovely Siberian Kittens. One is 5 months old, the other is 3,5 months old. My breeder told me to just leave them a bowl of food (so they can eat constantly, and not have x meals a day, like people have) as long as they are kitten. She said you can't overfeed a kitten...
  6. biancavd

    Hi everyone~!

    Hi everyone! Another new forumuser here :) Also a new cat-owner, actually, Or more a new cat servant. Oh, don't they love bossing me around xP Let me introduce myself first. My name is Bianca, I am 24 years old and living in the Netherlands. I am currently in-between jobs, and with 1 older...