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    Varying Flavors/Varieties of Wet Cat Food

    My cats tend to like two kinds:  any brand of pate and the prime filets from Friskies. I stick with chicken and fish varieties and mix them up every other day or so. I stay away from turkey and beef because my old man cat tends to yack those up for some reason.
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    My Cat Eats Tissue Paper

    My almost one year old kitty likes to play with and eat small pieces of tissue paper (like the kind for gift bags). Do you think this is any kind of health concern? Thanks!
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    Help! How to Get Orange Cat Puke Stain Out of Carpet?

    Thanks for all the suggestions! I ended up finding a hydrogen peroxide based cleaner at Target and used that over and over and it came up a little more each time. It's still faintly there, but only in some lighting. The whole hallway is destroyed anyway, since my kitten dug holes in the corners...
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    Help! How to Get Orange Cat Puke Stain Out of Carpet?

    Thank you, I will try that. The bleach in the detergent does not bleach the carpet white? My carpet is a light tan color so I don't want it to turn white, lol. :)
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    Help! How to Get Orange Cat Puke Stain Out of Carpet?

    Hi all, The other day my cat puked bright orange in two places in my hallway. I tried cleaning it with my normal carpet cleaner which usually works but this time it didn't... it seemed like it set the stain! Ugh... since then, I have tried vinegar, baking soda, and this fancy carpet cleaner...
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    My 13 yr old female started peeing and pooping on couch!!

    Ugh, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. In the meantime, can you cover the couch with a tarp so that it won't get damaged further? I would think that with all that pee you may need to replace the couch at some point anyway, but at least it can be protected for now. How was the new cat...
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    Please Help! Kitten is Destroying Carpet!

    Thank you so much for your detailed suggestions! I never thought of the fact that there may be particles of stuff in the carpet itself that is attracting the cat. I'll try the orange thing and the urine destroyer as well. Once the kitten gets older and we know for sure he isn't going to rip it...
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    Please Help! Kitten is Destroying Carpet!

    I have thought of trying the soft claws but my kitten is such a little brat that even clipping his nails is a huge ordeal so I'm not sure if I could get them on him. I might try it anyway if I get desperate enough.  Part of the problem I'm discovering is that the company that put in the carpet...
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    Please Help! Kitten is Destroying Carpet!

    Also, if I didn't say it above, we do love the little bugger and we do not want to get rid of him, but we also can't afford $100's of dollars of carpet repair... especially to brand new carpet! Declawing is not an option, and he tears the fibers off with his mouth anyway once he gets it up off...
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    Please Help! Kitten is Destroying Carpet!

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have two scratching posts and he uses those regularly. I think he's tearing the carpet because it's fun to him, and I don't know how to make him stop! I can't take on another kitten because I already have an older cat that he plays with and two cats is enough! :)
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    Long haul ahead

    How long will you be gone for? If it is just a few days or a week, I would suggest boarding her instead of taking her along. Travel can be very stressful for cats, and it might not be worth it.  In order to take her on a plane, you will have to have her in a hard, sturdy carrier and will be...
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    Please Help! Kitten is Destroying Carpet!

    I have a 4 1/2 month old kitten. About three weeks ago, he started shredding the carpet. The first time he did it, it was when he was shut out of my bedroom. He pulled up the carpet in the corner by the door and ripped about 4 inches to shreds. I have a brand new home and I was understandably...
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    How to disinfect house from Ringworm?

    Hi! Long story short:  My kitten was just diagnosed with ringworm after we have had him for two weeks. I now have him confined to one room while we give him medicine that the vet prescribed. My question is:  How do I clean the rest of my house? He has been all over the place, and I have a two...
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    Help! Fur loss and scab on kitten's forehead.

    Update:  I took the kitten to the vet today. Diagnosis: Ringworm. Ugh!  It didn't glow under the light, but the vet took a skin scraping and checked for a bacterial infection. He's pretty sure this is ringworm, so he prescribed some oral meds I have to go get from the pharmacy later. He'll call...
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    My new 8 year old cat vomits a lot and no one knows why

    Nucaheart, I'm so glad to hear you were able to get a diagnosis!  Did your vet suggest switching his food to soft as well as the new water dish? Now that my 9.5 year old cat eats mostly wet food, he rarely ever throws up anymore. :)
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    Help! Fur loss and scab on kitten's forehead.

    Here's new photos for today. In the top picture (where he's fighting me, lol) you can see what it looked like when I got home from work today. Peeling scabs, looking a little better. The next two I just took right now. The scabs have almost peeled entirely off. No more redness. I can't tell if...
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    Help! Fur loss and scab on kitten's forehead.

    P.S. - We've had him for 13 days and neither my older cat, my husband, or I have gotten any lesions. Wouldn't one of us have gotten it by now if it was ringworm?