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  1. S

    Eating the newspaper

    My cat never bothers tearing up worthless paper like newspapers. He goes for tax forms, glossy magazines and anything I bring home from work. When coworkers look at the strange pinholes in the papers I just tell them the sheets had been stapled together a few dozen times.
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    Stray that came back!

    I'm amazed at some of the cats that wonder through my yard with no collar, no ID, nothing. There's an incredible long-haired Himalayan that visits me all the time. She showed up a year ago as a kitten with no ID or collar, covered in dirt with a healed crooked tail. I suspected that she didn't...
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    Mulch Warning

    Although it sounds like an urban legend, confirms it and has more information: Theobromine, a chemical found in cocoa mulch, can be harmful to pets.
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    Water Fountain

    I thought the noise was an unintentional feature -- you can hear when you need to fill it.
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    Let the story begin....

    What I did with my kitten at around 8 weeks was trim a very small bit at the ends of his claws, just enough so they weren't sharp. He learned very young that getting your claws trimmed is no big deal. He even purrs when I do it now. And keep an eye on him after you do this. He's probably gotten...
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    Let the story begin....

    Don't let him play with your hands! He'll never stop wanting to bite you. This was the biggest mistake I made with my kitten.
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    Not Sure What to Do Next!

    Sometimes cats like or don't like the scents of certain laundry detergents. If you switch brands, they'll let you know what they think of the new stuff. My cat likes the stuff I use and will bury his face in any clean clothes he finds, but he's not interested in the dirty clothes because they've...
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    Love of the Bathroom

    My guy is super friendly in the bathroom too. He likes watching me brush my teeth, drying my hair and he's convinced that dental floss is really some kind of cat toy I'm misusing. He always wants me to help him get on top of the medicine cabinet. There's nothing up there and he has no way to get...
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    Water Fountain

    I can think of some ways to improve Petmate's fountains. It would be nice if they could somehow suck water out of the bottom of the base instead of the side. The water tends to collect fur and other junk in the base until you clean it out. That stuff should get filtered out somehow. It would be...
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    Finally got a date!!!

    To follow up on my last post, the neutering was nothing at all to him. He was doped up on morphine and high as a kite when I picked him up on Friday. I gave him the prescribed morphine through Sunday morning and it never looked like he had any discomfort at all. He ran around and played and...
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    A new fascination... The front door!

    For the biting, I read someplace that it's best to spray them with a waterbottle so they don't become afraid of you. Well, that isn't working out for me. He's not stupid. He's knows that I'm squirting him with water. The only time he stops biting me is when he sees I'm holding the waterbottle...
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    What is She Trying to Say?

    My cat sounds like a videogame from the early 80's. I've been keeping track of the noises he makes and I've found they're quite consistant. He makes a trill just before he jumps on me; it's kind of a warning. He has a standard squeak when he's glad to see me. He'll raise that a few notes when...
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    Finally got a date!!!

    I thought I'd finally start to get worried once I took him to the vet this morning. Bah! Once I took him out of his carrier, he explored the office then took a quick nap on the table. After five minutes he acted like the vet was his second-best friend. When the vet carried him off, he looked...
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    Finally got a date!!!

    My little guy is going in for "alterations" on Friday. I made the appointment four months in advance so I could keep an eye on him during the weekend. I'm not worried. They have so many tests before the operation and so many monitors during the operation that it's hard to imagine how it could be...