Search Results

  1. C


    I just wanted to know if anybody had any relativly funny sayings like, the ones in my signature.ill post some new ones a little later.
  2. C

    baseball Fans

    I just went to a spring training game, and of course Red Sox Win!!! GO Red Sox!I wanted to see what team every1 else cheers for and i forget some chose other and then specify. No1 vote for yankees!
  3. C


    This is just a poll that i got an idea about, to see if any1 else is (most likley men) lazy enough to wake up, eat breakfast, computer, lunch, computer, diner, computer, bed.Thats my schedule for this week, im booked.
  4. C

    im not going to come on tcs alot now..

    hi, im finally back from a really long vacation and might not be coming back for a while. The reason why is that the dentist told me that my wisdom teeth have to come out although they havent began to come out, it was stuck to my jaw. its a long recovery period, and painfull, i have to keep ice...
  5. C


    i didnt know were to put this so you can move it if you want. I want to know if you beleive in spaying or neutring, i surly dont. only if htey can do it at there pleasure. i dont interfere with their personal lives.
  6. C

    My poor cat...

    When i got back from my vacation from florida, the catsitter (my grandmother) left a note saying that she hasnt seen my cat cleopatra since saturday. it was tuesday and we still havent seen her, and if she was here, she isnt eating. she ran away maybe because we wernt there or we think she was...
  7. C


    when i went to florida for two weaks, we had a sitter take care of our cats. when one day she called us to tell us that our fish, tender vittls, died. we asked how and she said that my smallest kitten jump from the chair to the place where the fish was and nocked the tank over, and shredded it...
  8. C

    my new cat

    one day when we left for church, we saw a stray cat meowing at our window, and then when we got back, it was still there. we fed it, took it in and it had three litters. did we do the right thing to take that cat into our home??
  9. C


    every time i try to groom my cats, they just sniff the brush and then every time i try to groom them, they claw me, why do they do this??
  10. C

    claw covers

    when i was looking through a cat magizine, i saw that there were covers that go over your cats claws. i want to get them becuse my cats tear up the furniture but i dont feel its right for the cat, what shold i do??
  11. C

    eating habits

    i have noticed that my cats hve been eating everything that falls on the floor, like ceral, and their own droppings. sense tells me that its not real healthy, what can i do to stop them??
  12. C

    Cat grooming

    howcome whenever i try to groom my cat, she just sniffs the brush for thirty minutes, then when i brush her again she goes back to sniffing it. The kittens love it,its just the grown ones, why are they doing this?!
  13. C

    cat pics

    look at this pic, post your own if you want!
  14. C

    the cat

    a while ago i noticed that a stray orange cat is living own our property. i find him in the garage and in the garbage. i really want to feed it and bring it in, but with 7 other cats to feed, it might waste money and scare some of my cats. what should i do? feed it or leave it alone?
  15. C

    My cat go bye-bye

    when i was about 8, my cat called moe-moe had just got hit by a car. we didn't know until my uncle drove in and asked if it was our cat. unfortunatly, it was. we buried her by a stone in our backyard and made a cross that said "moe-moe, 1990 to 1998" it was the saddest moment of my life.
  16. C

    my new cat

    my cat just gavee birth to nine kittens, when one of them was 9 months old, one of them started biting me, alot. if i pet it, it purrs, then turns aruond, bites me,turns back, and starts purring again. what is she doing?!
  17. C

    cat pics

    uhh, i would put all my cat pics here, but the computer deleted them, ill get them back today,uhhh, later. cya