Search Results

  1. B

    Hello From North Carolina

    Hello! So I joined this site a few years ago when I was looking for info and advice and doing my research on taking care of the new kitten I was planning on getting. Took longer then planned but I finally did end up getting a kitten, actually two. There's Kovu, my handsome orange tabby male...
  2. B

    Just making sure I've got everything covered

    Sorry if this is a bit long. I'll be getting my first kitten soon and I want to make sure I'll have everything I need. For me, nutrition is extremely important when it comes to caring for animals. My dog is currently fed Primal premade raw, Nupro supplement(the one for joint support), spirulina...
  3. B

    Hello! :)

    My names Brittany and I'm a dog owner whose planning on getting my first kitten this year and just looking for information and trying to educate myself as much as possible before I get my kitten.  My dog is a Mini Poodle who is 8 and his name is Pepper. He's a phantom poodle, so black with...