Search Results

  1. nbrazil

    Sleeping under the covers - is it safe?

    I think it is adorable that my orange tabby girl has decided to crawl up under the covers a couple of times when it is cold and snuggle up next to me to sleep (or even stay).  Just one concern - is it safe? That is, is a layer of a blanket and a comforter "porous" enough for air? My gut feeling...
  2. nbrazil

    Cat safe Cleaning products for laminate

    I just got my old carpet replaced by laminate and want to know what products I can use to clean it. I'm perfume sensitive so things with Febreeze or perfumes and not desirable. Some have glycols which I figure are not healthy for cats. Are there any hypoallergenic cleaning agents? You get the...
  3. nbrazil

    Sudden Kidney disease (failure) in 22 month old cat

    I don't know if Jessie is going to make it through the night. Yesterday (all yesterdays) she was a normal, frisky girl. This morning she seemed very pensive, lethargic and whimpered when I handled her. I took her to the vet immediately. Cursory exam revealed no problem, took her home and she got...
  4. nbrazil

    Dumb question: Just to be certain: Cats do sleep a lot, right?

    That's what I've heard both in a serious and funny context - and just want to confirm this. I'm taking medical leave for a few months in hopes of getting ahead of a potentially disabling medical condition and so I'm now home with my furbabies nearly all the time. The boy is 1 year 8 months old...
  5. nbrazil

    Safest all around generic dewormer?

    It is highly probable that my guys could have sub-clinical parasites. Or not. Thing is my body is immune compromised and I was recently diagnosed with parasites - and due to the former, it will take time and repeated dosing for me to get better. Many "people" I know have suggested that the...
  6. nbrazil

    Best friends suddenly fighting

    See, my avatar - absolutely typical interaction. My Ragdoll (Artemis) and rescue (Jessie) "love" each other. Cuddle together, chase each other in marathon olympics and have been two perfect companions. It was a beautiful day and I decided to share it with Artie on my balcony. Both he and Jessie...
  7. nbrazil

    Essential oil mister and cats, bad combination?

    Basically, due to health reasons it has been suggested that I begin misting certain essential oils as a way to purify the environment. Well, one of the things I researched before getting furry companions was essential oils and learned that they can be quite toxic to cats, so I made sure that...
  8. nbrazil

    Cracked me up - they eat together, cuddle together, but.....

    In best Maxwell Smart accent... "that's the SECOND largest litter box I've ever seen" (for those that "get it.") I have a HUGE litter box for a rather large cat. His sister has gotten surprisingly big too! Anyway, back to the subject: Tonight I caught them peeing together! Same time, same...
  9. nbrazil

    Best dry cat food?

    I am totally on board with wet food being the very best thing and have been committed to feeding my fur family the same - however I may have to reconsider this because of an ongoing chronic illness. Basically I live alone and tend to be hyper-responsible. What this means is that I recognize...
  10. nbrazil

    Best replacement carpet type/style/weave for a cat that likes to pull it up?

    My ancient carpet needs replacing. Despite the financial burden, it has reached the point that I have to do something, and the cats are encouraging this because they grab at the "loops" and pull it out, thereby destroying sections of it (particularly near doors). Of course I will ask the...
  11. nbrazil

    DSH growth spurt at 14 months?

    Its not fat! Recently I tested out adding free feeding dry food to the mostly wet diet I feed my guys. Maybe this was just enough added calories to trigger another growth spurt in my girl. She looks bigger, longer and her weight is up 4 oz in 3 weeks. Is this unusual for a shelter cat? I never...
  12. nbrazil

    Dinner: Cats 1, Guardian 0

    I often rotate the clowder's meals and it has been a long time since they've rejected something utterly. I know they don't like pate, but they have come to eat Trader Joe's and others, but it can be tricky, so I like to stick with chunky most of the time. The 5.5 oz can of the brand was chunky...
  13. nbrazil

    Confident kitties - will know more tonight.

    Cat TV had an unexpected program this morning (i.e. gazing out the sliding glass door, chittering at birds, chipmunks and whatever passes by) - while my two guys (Ragdoll male (RT)/Orange tabby female (Jessie)) were watching, a tough appearing male orange sauntered cautious by on the brick wall...
  14. nbrazil

    Microchipping and age - young cat, but not a kitten.

    I've read that one should microchip their cat when they are young.  I decided early on that because my Ragdoll boy was 100% indoors that I didn't want to do that - no reason too. Well, with some of the violent weather we've experienced of late I realized that even though it is a small chance...
  15. nbrazil

    How important is it really for indoor cats to get heart worm/flea medications monthly?

    The vet I see is basically "pushes" these medications, saying that a mosquito can get inside or a flea hop a ride. For awhile I thought it would be fun to have the cats on the balcony, but that would expose them to mosquitoes, so I've x-ed out that idea. If they stay 100% inside I think the...
  16. nbrazil

    Helpful site when a cat goes missing - recommend permanent stickey

    I would like to suggest to the administrators that the following site have a permanent sticky or be a part of the available articles. It goes a long way towards explaining how to find a missing cat. I believe that there MIGHT be some commercial interest (pet detectives), but the articles are so...
  17. nbrazil

    Unintentionally "starving" cats - need help figuring out / confirming calorie strategy

    I'm so confused now with feeding my cats and heartbroken because I finally got the information to find out exactly how many calories I've been feeding them and I'm far below what they should be getting.  On a personal level, I'm dealing with a chronic medical condition that makes it hard to...
  18. nbrazil

    Digging in potted plant soil - making a mess scattering dirt

    Well now, my first cat (kitten) was good and ignored my very few rare potted plants, but when I got him a playmate, their nightly olympics knocked them over - so I moved them to work where they are barely surviving (just not the right lighting, temperature). Now that they have grown and their...
  19. nbrazil

    Looking for non-pate (chunky/pieces) grain free canned food in the 5.5 oz size - any company make it

    Well, its official, my guys don't like pate (odd, because the Ragdoll loved Wellness Kitten - but that particular brand made the Ginger girl vomit every time). I'm not willing to spend the money to try every freaking brand (tried about 8 of them so far). I'd like to get away from the 3 oz cans...
  20. nbrazil

    Seems you CAN overfeed a kitten (?) - now what?

    Everything I've read says let a kitten eat as much as they want! Admittedly a large breed, my Ragdoll, Artemis, seemed right on track with the 1 lb a month (give or take a little) I read is typical for a kitten (also note, Ragdolls can have growth spurts and don't fully mature until about 3...