Search Results

  1. mobabe1124

    introducing my ChiPin to the kittens

    Hi all,Found out my 5-6 week old kittens are really 7-9 week old kitties. They really don't like too much human interaction( still very skitterish) unless you have treats- then they will eat out of your hand and will allow petting for a quick second. lol Not too found of being held but...
  2. mobabe1124

    New here and proud momma of Two 5 week old feral kittens

    I have had cats my whole life. The last time I had a kitten was over 12 years ago. I never had two kittens at once. Just want to make sure I am doing all the right things for the boys.- the boys are Jersey (tuxedo ) and Gucci(white with black). Jersey seems to be the runt and Gucci the...