Search Results

  1. hroswitha

    Year old kittens won't eat

    I have 2 nearly adult kittens in my household.  Both have been ravenous eaters all their young lives.  They typically eat 2.5 meals a day - two of canned food, a half meal of kibble.   The boy, Zadok, stopped eating his usual amounts two days ago.  I have seen him eat some (around midnight last...
  2. hroswitha

    Kittens off their food

    I am fostering 3 kittens, and have bottle fed them since they were a day old.  they are 10 weeks now, and went in for surgery and a booster vaccine.  When I took them to the local humane alliance, they weighed nearly 3 lbs.  Since they came home on Thursday, I haven't been able to get one of the...
  3. hroswitha

    Cat shelter issue

    I'm back again. I'm the person who has been caring for a mini-colony of ferals in my wooded ravine.  All three adults have been fixed and given shots, then re-released.  After that point, they showed up with kittens *sigh*  We trapped them, neutered all four brothers, socialized them, and got...
  4. hroswitha

    Socializing kitten updates with great news

    Last time I posted here, I had a porch filled with 4 feral kittens pulled from my ravine.  I was engaged in socializing them, which went very well indeed.  They were roughly 4 months old when I brought them in, I got them fixed, and they were all homed in early August.  Two of my little boys...
  5. hroswitha

    Feral adoption update

    For those of you who don't want to wade through old posts, I'll do a quick recap. In March of this year, we started feeding three feral adults living in our ravine.  Two are likely siblings, and not quite a year old - Esther and Brighton.  The third is a full adult male, we call him Simon. All...
  6. hroswitha

    Pictures of my feral rescue kittens

    Pollux and Leonidas Castor Kitten pile Oedipus (left) Castor (right) Oedipus The above are my lovely semi-feral boys. Rescued 2 weeks ago, they are now free to roam the front porch. One of them greets us at the door - we call him Castor. His nearly-twin is Pollux. The grey tabby...
  7. hroswitha

    Feral kitten socializing update

    The four boy kitties I trapped and brought in to my screened in porch have been there now for a solid week.  We removed the cages from the porch on Friday, and added only the small amount of furniture they can use - a kitty tower, a shelf next to the window where they can lounge, etc.   Castor...
  8. hroswitha

    Feral kittens socializing update

    The four ferals are now entirely out of the cages.  They seemed so stressed in there, and two never left the cat box by choice.  We're removing the cages altogether tomorrow, but they spent the whole day on the porch and seem so much happier and better adjusted. For the first time, I got the...
  9. hroswitha

    And it begins...

    Kittens have been divided into two groups in two cages.  We caught Castor and Leonides first, and they share the large cage.  Ruth and Pollux share the smaller, and were caught 12 hours after the brothers. Castor is starting to come around.  Last night and again this morning, he permitted soft...
  10. hroswitha

    Two in the box, ready to go...

    We be fast and they be slow! Two kittens in traps this morning.  They were not even baited, poor innocents.  We're calling them Leonides and Castor.  Mixing a little Roman and Greek stuff there, but what can you do?   Little ones are in a large cat haven, complete with litter box and...
  11. hroswitha

    Socializing kittens

    Me again.  I have the three feral kitties I TNRd and re-released back into the ravine, only to see the girl kitty show up with 4 kittens.  These kittens are a mystery - the girl (Esther) was spayed in mid-April.  She's appx. 8-9 months old.  These kittens, judging purely by size, have to be...
  12. hroswitha

    Feral kittens added to the group

    Hi, my name is Renee, and I'm a cat hoarder.  I don't want to be, but there it is. My husband and I have 5 indoor cats.  That population has been stable for 7 years now, and I have no desire to add to the group.  They don't go outside, they are all fixed and healthy, and they are all loved and...
  13. hroswitha

    Possibly ill feral

    I have three ferals I care for.  The girl, Esther, is acting oddly. She's up as much as 3 times a day to eat.  She's always there in the morning for breakfast, often alone.  She can eat two cans of food in one sitting. She wasn't up at all this AM.  This afternoon, she showed up with her...
  14. hroswitha

    Feral behavior questions

    I'm fairly new to this feral care thing, so I have a quick question. I am looking after three kitties.  Two are probably siblings - an orange and white boy we call Brighton, and a grey tabby we named Esther.  They are most likely less than a year old.  Both have been fixed, ear tipped, and...
  15. hroswitha

    Dosing for lysine advice

    I'm caring for a feral male with an URI.  It's pretty pronounced, and I believe his appetite has been impaired.  I purchased lysine 1000 mg. tablets, but would need a sense of how much to give him.  He's got a larger frame, but couldn't be more than 7 or 8 lbs. soaking wet.   Any...
  16. hroswitha

    New feral protector needs advice

    My husband and I have 5 indoor cats, and this spring, we became the protectors of three ferals. We now look after two males and one female.  With the help of the local humane society, we trapped them all, neutered them, and got them rabies shots.  We've been feeding them since March. The...