Search Results

  1. yana-aldowaik

    Clumping Or Non Clumping Litter?!

    So far I have tried wood pellets and western family non clumping sand litter and my cat will pee or poop in it once or twice and stop using it once we clean the box. I've heard scary things about clumping litter such as the cat can get many health problems so we have been trying to stay away...
  2. yana-aldowaik

    Super Glossy Coat Bright Yellow Eyes

    Hello :) Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am wondering why my new black cat looks quite different from my old black cat who was a domestic shorthair. My new black cat was a stray I found and I live in the suburbs so it's quite rare to see a stray cat. Most likely someone threw him...
  3. yana-aldowaik

    Cat Only Pees In Litter Box

    My cat was a stray and he likes to poop outside in the garden we brought new litter for him and he goes inside but only pees on it and leaves. He is not pooping.
  4. yana-aldowaik

    Can Rain Wash Away Revolution?

    I've noticed my cat has started scratching again and I'm worried because he had caught worms before and we really don't want it to happen again
  5. yana-aldowaik

    Stray Cat Won't Stop Rubbing Me

    There is a stray cat that stays on our balcony all day and night and there is one strange behaviour I can't understand and that is he keeps rubbing against me and he does not quit. I know cats rub to exchange scent but he just does not quit and sometimes he will try to nibble and bite but he is...
  6. yana-aldowaik

    Bought a Cat from Malaysia

    I've always wanted a cat and when my husband and I went to Malaysia he suprised me by buying me a kitten. He bought this kitten from a friend who had a cat of some kind of breed that my husband happened to admire. Over there many people call all kinds of cats Persian cats even low they do not...