Search Results

  1. carlymarie

    Kitten is litter trained, but keeps going outside his box?

    I rescued a 10 week old kitten a few days ago. He has been home for 3 days now, and while getting him used to the house I have had his litter and food and water in my room with me. He is litter trained, and the first thing he did when he got home was pee in his litter box. He has done his...
  2. carlymarie

    Maine Coon? Norwegian Forest Cat? What is he?

    Hey guys. So I recently started to volunteer at a rescue, and we have this little kitten named Dusty. Hes absloutley gorgeous, and im really curious as to what type of cat he may be. He had short fur when he first came to us, then just fluffed up. Someone said they think he is part Maine Coon...
  3. carlymarie

    An elderly cat and a kitten?

    I have a 14 year old burmese named Bimmer. In March, he was diagnosed with liver failure and was not expected to live past the weekend. He is still here. About a week ago he started to lose weight, and the vet once again expected him to not make it through the week. And once again, he is still...
  4. carlymarie

    Old cat, (whom we believed to be dying) getting better?

    My cat is a very old cat. Hes got gallstones and unfortunately is too old and weak to go through surgery. His liver is starting to fail as well. He lost weight dramatically and is very weak in general. He wouldn't eat or drink by himself so we had to do it through a syringe. He was added to the...