Search Results

  1. pwhite01

    Couldn't Win The Fight~ My Sassy is GONE!!!

    My  12 year old beautiful Sassy got sick on April 5. I just want to say that what my baby endured that she is my hero & such a trooper! She TRULY fought!! My heart is so empty! She was like my child and now feel so empty inside. I dont know how I can get through this. She endured 3 seizure type...
  2. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    Here is where we are with our 12 year old Sassy. On the week of April 1st her appetite started having changes. 2 days eat, 2 days no eat then on Friday April 5 around 4 pm she had what looked like a seizure episode. This was about 20-30 seconds and in slow motion the entire time. Was in sitting...