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  1. pwhite01

    my heart

    I am right there with you!! I am very sorry for your loss! We put our Sassy down last Thursday night. I have been so depressed. I feel like I can not find that "normal" life since she was my "normal" life! My poor 11 year old daughter grew up with Sassy and she was her best friend. Our home...
  2. pwhite01

    When the moment comes...

    Very Beautiful! I had to make that decision last Thursday night & say good bye to our, Sassy! We couldnt win the fight. Last Thursday I knew that was the day when my poor baby's illness took such a turn for the worst when her rear legs were going. I laid next to her and stared into her eyes...
  3. pwhite01

    Couldn't Win The Fight~ My Sassy is GONE!!!

    I went to the food store today for the first time and the entire time my mind was on Sassy. My poor 11 year old had to dance on the stage today with a very sad & broken heart!! 
  4. pwhite01

    Couldn't Win The Fight~ My Sassy is GONE!!!

    Thanks so much!!!!!
  5. pwhite01

    Couldn't Win The Fight~ My Sassy is GONE!!!

    Thank you!! It means a lot!!
  6. pwhite01

    Couldn't Win The Fight~ My Sassy is GONE!!!

    Thank you sooo much!!! I am now upon my OWN research pretty sure she died from Cardiomyopathy ( heart disease). Not sure if that caused the fever as well and loss of appetite. Maybe she had cancer as well. She was a Main Coon and heart disease is the common cause of death and called the silent...
  7. pwhite01

    Couldn't Win The Fight~ My Sassy is GONE!!!

    Thank you, Everyone!! This pain is really hurting!!!!!
  8. pwhite01

    Couldn't Win The Fight~ My Sassy is GONE!!!

    My  12 year old beautiful Sassy got sick on April 5. I just want to say that what my baby endured that she is my hero & such a trooper! She TRULY fought!! My heart is so empty! She was like my child and now feel so empty inside. I dont know how I can get through this. She endured 3 seizure type...
  9. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    My baby is GONE!!!!! 10:30 last night we had to let go!! WORST thing I ever had to go through!! She was still alert and looking at us which killed me!! My last vision was the Nurse carrying her in for us say bye and her eyes wide open. I cant STOP crying!!! Thank you, everyone for your support &...
  10. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    Actually as I understand her glucose was 200 on the blood test on April 5. Her legs have gotten weaker/worse in the last hour. She just flopped in her litter box as too weak to get out. My husband on way & taking her Vet. This is it!! Her suffering needs to end!!! 
  11. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    THANK YOU!! I am so scared right now. She just laying there rapidly breathing. Fluids were given like 2:00. Her feet feel cool. Her body may not respond to the fluids.
  12. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    ALSO now noting her breathing seems rapid and past couple days it seems to change. 
  13. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    BUT that what I afraid of is happening. Would that cause the leg thing all of a sudden? I so afraid something very scary to see may happen and dont want to see it myself or my 11 yr old to see it. SADLY 1 year EXACT last April 29 we came home from vacation to find our Misty half gone laying in...
  14. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    I just tried again and she just moves away! I am just afraid that maybe it is causing pain when eating?? I also believe still has nausea as she licking lips.
  15. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    The thing is I need to realize that our Sassy has been gone 12 days now!!! Her AMAZING & AWESOME personality has been gone! It so hard to see this and think I will ever see "OUR" Sassy again!!  We struck GOLD when we adopted her 12 years ago! Everyone that I know LOVES her!! This why I am so...
  16. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    Thanks so much!!! It really helps having some support. How old was your cat? She have similiar symptoms as Sassy? This all did start so suddenly or was it just that Sassy all of a sudden just showed us??
  17. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    I not sure you read my summary of all this but there is so much going on here! Started with what appeared as a seizure, found a double ear infection, running temp (highest 104.5), no eating, no drinking, steroids didnt even help, nausea & weight loss. Now my husband & I are basically arguing...
  18. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    This means so much to me!! I don't even know you and you are just too sweet & thoughtful. Sending you a virtual hug!! I am so torn!!! I know my husband ready give up but he doesnt have the attachment I have with Sassy. I trying convince him maybe need see the internal medicine specialist as our...
  19. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    Thank you so much!!! I myself have been so sad & upset these past 2 weeks. I have neglected the family & made Sassy my #1 priority. It kills me that Sassy & I are not winning!!!
  20. pwhite01

    Cat sick 11 days NOW! SCARED and Vet advising put sleep

    I just got back from getting fluids in her at Vet. We just cant do it & for only $16 for them to do it, it is worth it! Also her temp is normal. NOW I am reading that maybe temp is going down as she is at the end?? Her paws do seem cool AND now the hind legs is REALLY scaring me!! It not looking...