Search Results

  1. vistelle

    Question of the Day:April 1st

    I don't know the month or date when any of my cats were born, just how old they were when I adopted them.  So I pick an arbitrary day during the month of their adoption and call it their birthday/"Gotcha Day".  :)
  2. vistelle

    Question of the Day: Sunday, March 31

    I didn't really have dessert today.  Unless you count coffee, which can morph into any food group.  
  3. vistelle

    In response to the "sun bathing kitties" thread...

    McGee enjoying a sun spot on my bed.  :)
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  5. vistelle

    What does this mean?? video?

    Looks like normal cat behavior to me.  I think the older cat is just asserting his position in the hierarchy.  My rule of thumb for wrestling kitties is that if there's no yowling or fur flying, I don't intervene.  It's very important for cats to work out their pecking order, and in some...
  6. vistelle

    What Type of Water Do You Give Your Cat?

    Tap water filtered through a Brita pitcher -- exactly the same stuff I drink.  
  7. vistelle

    What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

    Chocolate chip cookie dough.  Or Ben and Jerry's peanut butter cup.  
  8. vistelle

    I now know......

    I absolutely adore laying in the sun next to my cats.  I'm lucky enough that my two bedroom windows get lots of light -- west and south-facing.  So the sunlight often streams onto my bed, making it quite a cozy place.  :D
  9. vistelle

    What's your favorite Easter candy?

    Another vote for Cadbury cream eggs!  I also love the ones with caramel in it -- yum.  :)
  10. vistelle


    Thanks to you both! :)
  11. vistelle

    Thursdays Question of the Day 3.28.13

    I saw Les Mis twice in theaters, and it was the last one I've seen on the big screen.
  12. Newness!


  13. vistelle


    Hey everyone, I'm Vistelle.   This is Cosette.  I adopted her in September 2011.  I had originally gone to the humane society to look at adopting a different cat I'd seen on the website and was interested in, but when I got there, that cat had already found a home.  I decided to take a look...
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