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  1. manou

    Good night Shadow

    Thank you all for your kind words, I know everyone goes through this one time or another. Sometimes you wish your pet could grow as old as you. The house feels empty and quiet now that he's gone, but our hearts are fuller than ever with his love.
  2. manou

    Good night Shadow

    He came to us out of the blue less than 3 weeks ago but we instantly fell in love with him and he with us. Unfortunately he apparently had underlying health issues and got very unwell. For a few days he kept recovering remarcably well but monday morning it went downhill, and fast. We tried to...
  3. manou

    Drooling, heavy breathing and dizzy

    Hi, We just looked up the symptoms for rabies in cats and some of them might have been what he was suffering from, like the paralysis and hyper salivation. Unfortunately, his state since this morning deteriorated immensly and the vet contacted us back with the suggestion to put him to sleep...
  4. manou

    Drooling, heavy breathing and dizzy

    Hi all, my name is Manou and I'm new here. I came across these forums after endless looking online for a solution for our kitty. About 2-3 weeks ago we got adopted by a cat. Adopted as in he came inside our house and has stayed with us ever since. He had no collar but was de-sexed so he...