Search Results

  1. citlalmina

    Cats sheeding claw sheaths too often?

    My cats and I moved to London about two months ago. They were used to a warmer climate, and this is the first time they live in a place with carpets throughout the house. Every time I sweep (every day, that is) I find sheaths of their claws. I know this is normal, but it seems like it's...
  2. citlalmina

    Feral kitten rescue, need guidance!

    Hi everyone, I have rescued kittens in the past, but I just managed to get one that is unlike anything I had experienced. The kitten is around 2mo, it was stuck in between walls I tried to get it out for over a day, but it was totally scared and would hiss, bite and kick whenever I tried to...
  3. citlalmina

    Cat lover (obviously!) and Foster mom

    Hi everyone!  I've always loved all animals but have a special place in my heart for all felines. I own two: Citlalmina and Thelonious Punk. I adopted both within a year, Citlalmina's mom had been ran over and her kitties given away, so I got her at around 3 months old. Almost one year later...
  4. citlalmina

    Help with hand reared kittens please!

    This is my first forum post, so I'd like to say Hello to everyone! I own to cats which I both rescued at around 3mo. old, Citlalmina and Thelonious, they are now 7 and 8 years old and I absolutely adore them! I've also spent some time over the years rescuing and fostering cats and some kittens...