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  1. G


    The only thing that worries me is the power my little cat gets into them! I'm sure she'll break my nose one day.
  2. G

    cat jealous over new guy? kinda long

    No! If you like this man, go for it. As for the cats reaction, if the relationship with the new chap goes well and he is around at feeding time get him to put out the food, give the odd treat.
  3. G

    funny clip of a cat/music..

    Very tolerant cat. I was half hoping it would claw his arse and scarper!
  4. G

    Help! weights & measures query....

    Google is your friend About 230 grams per cup.
  5. G

    GAHHHH need to vent

    I think you are finding an insult where there is none. the posters are clearly talking about people who buy "Purebreds" as a fashion/wealth statement then don't look after them. They are not criticizing people like you who have bought a "purebred" and treat it with the love and care it deserves.
  6. G

    The Nerve of Some People!!

    Meh. If the cat is such a valuable asset then they should have looked after it more carefully. A cattery with 24 hour care is more secure than a house with a kid visiting twice a day. the cat is Ok, not spraying and less susceptible to diseases. All good things. If they still want to breed cats...
  7. G

    this is so cute (I love the cat life)

    Hmm, a cat owner that allows it's cat to spray and shread and leaves the poor dog out in the rain. Very bad owner I would say.
  8. G

    Question For All You Folks From the UK...

    Shrewsbury is quite nice, but if you get the time Chester is well worth a visit. It has some very nice town walls and some top shopping. If you enjoy industrial architecture then the Iron Brodge Gorge is well worth a visit. Hawkstone park has some fantastic follies.
  9. G

    Help! Our 11mo keeps trying to mount the new kittens!

    The only solution to this that I know of is neutering. With all the cat hormones rushing round your young lads body, all he knows is that he wants lots! I beleive there are reduced cost neutering schemes all over the place and I'm sure one of the US posteres will point them out to you. As for...
  10. G

    My wounded ferel

    Could your vet supply you with anti-biotic powder to put on the cat's food? It would help with the wound I would think.
  11. G

    Pining, or in heat ?

    Cat heats re-occur until they are pregnant again. It might be advisable to get her fixed. I'm sure some more knowledgeable paople will be along soon to give some advice.
  12. G

    if you were me what would you do?

    M_K. I work as a system's administrator. i have hundreds of passwords at my disposal. I have never looked at some-one else's e-mail unless they asked me to, usually to fix a problem. It is unprofessional and rude.
  13. G

    if you were me what would you do?

    Clearly you can't trust him and he can't trust you. Both snooping and lying will undermine a relationship. You are both better out of it. I also hope you both display better sense in any future relationships.
  14. G

    How Old Is Grandma?

    Lots of inaccuracies. Here is take on it
  15. G

    Now I am sad..

    No we are not.
  16. G

    This made me so sad-

    It is obviously a fake. The photo image isn't bad , but if you look at it close up you can see the photosopping. Also a Kangaroo's pouch is full of mucous and would ruin any shopping in it.
  17. G

    horrible doctor visits.........(long but hopefully interesting post)

    About 20 years ago my mum was diagnosed with leukaemia. She is now fully recovered. During her long treatment I did not meat a single nurse, doctor, specialist, technician or any one who wasn't 100% supportive and helpful. I also have several family members who are in the medocal proffession and...
  18. G

    Someone want to explain men to me?

    Bah! People are people and no-one is understandable!
  19. G

    My mother's cat is having kittens!!

    The best solution would be to spey the cat and abort the kittens. That said the average pregnancy is 9 weeks. Kittens should be left with their mums until about 13 weeks old, by then they should have learnt all the things a young cat should. As for transport I don't know. Is there any chance of...
  20. G

    kung foo bears

    It's from an Ad for John West salmon if my memory serves.