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  1. D

    'Fess up...Who's hitting the sales?

    that's pretty funny, i had almost forgot that Walmart was open 24-7... I worked for a major chain store before and have seen my share of fights and remember black fridays when people would just come and start yelling at me because we ran out of an item, something i didn't even have anything to...
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    Now I'm confused. Bleach or not??

    i think the fumes (even diluted) give the kitties some type of high hopefully it's not gonna cause any damage to em on a side note, i had some boxes on my patio and this stray cat loves to visit the patio at night and play with the big chunk of that white packaging styrofoam it just rubs its...
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    "The Bachelorette" I know who she is going to be..........

    didn't they already say it was Meridith?
  4. D

    Average Joe

    peep this: everybody like what they like, so you can't say somebody is shallow if they go for "hunks" however this Melena chick goes out her way to make a point about how she cares more about personality, blah, blah and she just show her true colors by picking whoever she think is cute...
  5. D

    Keeping a cat safe in an appartment

    local shelters here will not let any animals leave without them being spayed/neutered (which is a good thing) i'm suprised all shelters don't do this