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  1. aerides

    Trapping Frustrations!

    I use Tru Catch and I've never had one come open, but then I'm always double checking them and paranoid it's going to come open when I'm carrying them into, or out of the vet - I don't want them running away there I'd never see them again! I've only had one heavy thrasher, the key was to...
  2. aerides

    Feral cat that i feed is hurt

    Scruff then immediate Cage or carrier. Have a carrier ready outside so you can transfer as quick as you can catch her. If s/he comes close enough for the scruff and you can grab quickly and stuff her in an open cage or carrier. Like someone else mentioned above, a cat "on the mend" I found will...
  3. aerides

    Feral Kitty I caretake for, broken femur (she's at the vet)

    Well this is long, but good: Boo finished her two weeks post-op care at the vet, stitches out. I had visited her daily, let me bring her to a small room each visit, and held her, talked to her, etc. She was always pretty glum and seemed depressed, didn't fight me, and I thought just tolerating...
  4. aerides

    How long to wait to try and make outdoor stray an indoor only

    Is his crawl space in the shop or outside? I think the key is that as long as he still has some safe spot to claim as his own, then this cat may be quite happy staying inside. As you say he's not feral, but a stray whether abandoned or lost, he has found your friend and seems to be settled in...
  5. aerides

    Unfriendly (and now pregnant) stray on my porch..... help!

    I've trapped 3 ferals in my back yard and the pregnant Mama was the easiest of the bunch. Went straight in first try - hunger is a powerful lure. Look for a local TNR support place that might lend you a trap for a few days? That's how I got started - google your town name and TNR/TNSR.   FYI if...
  6. aerides

    If I bring her in, does she ever get to go out and play?

    I wrote about Boo last week, she's at the vet post-surgery and doing well, and she'll be there for about another week (she had a broken leg and is now healing up after surgery). They've told me know she probably won't even try to talk on it for another week or so, and it's gonna be more like 4-6...
  7. aerides

    I am distraught and need advice regarding my feral

    As much as it hurts now, I think you've done the right thing. She now has a certain home for the rest of her life, will always have food and is safe from cars or capture or other worries. Add to that the spaying, and the termination of her current pregnancy, and she'll also have a healthier life...
  8. aerides

    Feral Kitty I caretake for, broken femur (she's at the vet)

    Boo had successful surgery Tuesday night, and I visited her yesterday at the vet where they are going to keep her for about 2 weeks while she recovered. Her poor little hind leg was all shaved, and she has about 3 inches of staples - ouch! She was not happy to see me, but she's not happy -...
  9. aerides

    Feral Kitty I caretake for, broken femur (she's at the vet)

    Thank you all for the wishes. She's having surgery tomorrow. It's very expensive, but not a deal breaker. The vet will also keep her in rehab care for 2 weeks after at a reasonable rate. I'll figure out what she needs after that. She's true feral. I have her Mom and older brother too and I've...
  10. aerides

    Hi, newbie checking in

    Hi, I'm new here, and while I had pet cats while growing up I don't have any domestics myself. Instead I take care of 3 ferals that have made my backyard home. Momma cat and two kittens from litters about 6-8 months apart, and all since TNSRd and getting breakfast and dinner each day, as well...
  11. aerides

    Feral Kitty I caretake for, broken femur (she's at the vet)

    Boo disappeared for 6 days then limped back to my yard last Monday. She's about 10 months, previously TNR'd, and mildly social (will eat from my hand and sit close to me, very vocal too. She was avoiding using one hind leg and clearly not happy, but extra scared and not interested in a well...