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  1. E

    How long do you leave your cat food out for?

    2 of my cats won't touch wet food, so we leave it out occasionaly as a treat for the third. They do not finish the food I give them in one sitting but I'm feeding them their full serving in te morning and letting them finish what is left at night. Im noticing They tend to eat about 1/3 the...
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    Hi white shadow, I dont think I received the other half of your post, but thank you for voicing your concerns. My husband and I were actually talking about the vet visit the other day. There were things neither of us were happy about it. The vet was very sure it was falafel who needed to...
  3. E

    How long do you leave your cat food out for?

    We started feeding our cats 2x a day instead of free feeding them. They eat dry food and on very rare occasions wet food. My question is how long do I leave the cat food out for them to eat? I'm feeding them once in the morning and once at night. Do I leave the food out for 20 or 30 minutes...
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    Update: took falafel to the vet, his bloodwork and urine sample came out fine. The doctor thinks we should feed falafel separately from the other cats, and we should have areas that are designated for motorboat only. Including pet trees or rooms etc, that no other cat is allowed to use but...
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    I adopted a new cat and he seems to be bored. What can I do to make him more comfortable?

    Lots of play with him when you can, and give him lots of attention. With my cats it helped when I gave them a special place of their own, like a cat tree. I also bought a cat bed and sprinkled it lightly with cat nip now they lounge all day on it! Like orientalslave said, cats are naturally...
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    Thank you both! I think you're right, I'll see if the vet thinks motorboat should be checked out, but I'm definitely bringing falafel in. motorboat has been vacationing in our bedroom since the incident, and has had no contact with the other cats, him and falafel have been doing very well...
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    Thank you :). Yesterday I put matza ad falafel in a room for a few hours when they started getting aggressive and they mellowed out afterward. both were puffed up and yelling this morning but they didn't fight. I do take them to the vet every so often but we were hoping we could wait till...
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    Thank you for your reply! They are all indoors. My house is very close to my neighbors and there is more traffic than I am comfortable with. I think falafel started all the fights, I think matza followed suit. Why matza followed suit is baffling because she usually is so gentle. she doesn't...
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    Hello :)

    Thanks for your reply. I live in the U.S but my family is Hebrew. Also I apologize, I thought I had my Other post in the behavior category.
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    Hello :)

    Hi all. I just found these forums while looking for a solution to some new behavioral problems I've been having . My husband and I have 3 cats. This the first time I've ever been a cat owner, my husband has always had cats. So first there's Falafel, he's 3 years old. I found him, his sister...
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    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I'm in need of some serious help... Apologizing in advance for the novel I am about to write. So to give you some background, my husband and I have 3 cats. Matza and falafel (they are litter mates, both 3yo) and motorboat (13). Our roommate has one cat named...