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    A parent's Dream

    Where can I buy such a kid?
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    Mouses love chocolate!

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    Mouses love chocolate!

    This morning I discovered that my bar of chocolate had been nibbled! So I decided to put it on the floor and in the evening I saw a very lovely little mouse nibbling it with great delight! No I do not have kittens yet...
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    One-child family & Cat

    Hi everybody! Thank you so much for your nice replies, your advices and encouragements. First of all, I would like to reassure you that I am pretty sure our little daughter will handle her new companion with care, and anyway under constant supervision. Many of you have suggested to adopt a...
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    One-child family & Cat

    Thanks to Woodsygirl too.
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    One-child family & Cat

    Hi Hissy and Chelle, Thank you for answering. I was talking about a little girl of 4. She has nor brother nor sister and seems to be bored at home.
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    One-child family & Cat

    Hello everybody, I've just registered to ask your opinion about this : would it be a good idea to adopt a cat in order to help a child to feel less lonely ?