Search Results

  1. ebonly2000

    Abandoned kitten approximately 10-14 days old says vet. Need advice!

    ok so I had heard this poor little kitten outside my window crying nonstop for 5 days straight and getting weaker and weaker.  Finally after the rain had let up I talked my husband into helping me find the baby because he was under a very large bush.  A couple friends also helped us and we...
  2. ebonly2000

    Newborn Kittens stuck to Mama's tail?????

    Well as some of you know my cat, Onyx, has been pregnant and due for a while now.  Well last night she had her kittens.  Her first kitten came out in 5 pushes with no problems and she thoroughly cleaned the baby up and severed the cord while the placenta was still inside.  Then the placenta was...
  3. ebonly2000

    Green mucus in pregnant cat?

    My cat is an inside/outside cat.  A month or so ago she was in heat and went outside.  She is normally a VERY skinny cat but healthy.  Now she is VERY pregnant and her nipples are filling with milk but not expressing.  Today I cleaned her litter box and found a liquidy green tinted mucus in...