Search Results

  1. S

    Just Saying Hi, I'm a new member

    Hi everyone. I have 5 cats, 2 Shelties, and a husband. It's hard to say which animal requires the most work, but I think it's my husband. I have an orange kitty, named Sammy, who is a bit under the weather with what appears to be an inner ear infection according to the vet. Then there is Lena...
  2. S

    Cat with Possible Vestibular (balancd) Problems

    My orange tabby, Sammy has been carrying his head tilted to the side and is experiencing balance problems. I have taken him to the vet. She wants to rule out an ear infection so has prescribed Clavimox. Since being put on Clavimox, he has had two balance episodes. He has been taking the drug for...