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  1. C

    Friends, Trivia Game

    Yeah! Rosita! Mrs. Chanandeler Bong (sp?) What was the special layer in Ross's Thanksgiving sandwich called?
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    Friends, Trivia Game

    Rosie--- What was the name of the TV?
  3. C

    The Alphabet Game

    Call on Me----Blondie
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    Friends, Trivia Game

    3, Carol, Emily, and Rachel What did Tag get Rachel for her 30th birthday?
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    The Alphabet Game

    zippers Favorite song?
  6. C

    answer the last question, ask the next.

    Fall, I love the cool weather, approaching holidays and my favorite holiday, Halloween!! Plus, the air is crisp and I love the fall colors. What are you wearing right now?
  7. C

    Game: Word Association

    toast cheese
  8. C

    Friends, Trivia Game

    Okay, deal!
  9. C

    Friends, Trivia Game

    Meat---Joey gave it up so that she could eat it When Ross first moved into Ugle Naked Guy's apt., why did the other tenents hate him?
  10. C

    Love Actually

    If you want the ultimate feel good movie, go see Love Actually. I saw it yesterday and just like the commercials say, you leave the theater feeling wonderful and alive. It was a brilliant cast and even though the movie is 2 and 1/2 hrs long, it goes quickly. I loved it and of course, I cried...
  11. C

    Anyone see Elf yet?

    I can't wait to see that!!! I love him.....the part in the previews where they announce Santa is coming and he screams "Santa, I know him!" cracks me up every time! I'm glad to hear people liked it, I'd rather get personal reviews than the ones in the papers, I never trust those.
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    Friends, Trivia Game

    I want to say with Carol, I know he met her in college....I can't remember exactly when/how/where it happened? When the gang went to the beach house, Monica got stung by a jellyfish......who ultimately had to urinate on her sting to help her out?
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    Yeah, last week, we finally got to hear Management's voice, as a male. Then, this week, he sounded female. What is he/she? Tonight's episode was really good!!!
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    I am addicted to HBO's new series Carnivale. Does anyone else watch it? If you do, I'd be interested to hear opinions on Ben's powers and how he ties in with Brother Justin. What do you think will happen next?
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    Friends, Trivia Game

    Sting Who attempted to win Monica back, right around the time Chandler was trying to propose to her?
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    Why do so many people hate cats?

    I like Dean Koontz books, but this proves why I like Stephen King better. For instance, Cujo....And if any of you have seen "Cat's Eye" a film by Stephen King with Drew Barrymore in it, you'll see a cat play the hero!!! It's a little scary, not bad comparing to today's horror films!
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    New Contest Begins now!

    Man, that took me back to Atari days! I loved it!
  18. C

    What's your zodiac sign?

    I am an Aries, the dominant fire sign............I'm married to a Cancer and sometimes the water sign does have to put out my flame. I'm a little hot-headed from time to time, and unfortunately, he gets to see that the most!!! I don't know my cat's birthday's, since they were both strays, so I...
  19. C

    Friends, Trivia Game

    I wanted to say bathroom, but wasn't real sure.... Janice! She's always around! Okay, What did the gang use to make the poker they used to check to see if "ugly naked guy" was still alive?
  20. C

    Friends, Trivia Game

    Wow, and I just saw it!! I think it's "Love you forever, Like you for always?" That was a funny one!! When Phoebe was giving birth, what TV show did her Dr. insist upon watching during delivery?